Chapter 181-Bedtime Stories

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October 24th - October 26th, 2007

Maple Springs, NY

Months later, Sam came up with a plan to get Dean out of the deal again. Dean barely let Sam talk. He didn't want to hear any of it.
So, naturally, they started fighting "I don't understand, Dean. Why not?" Sam asked "because I said so." Dean said coldly "we got the Colt now!" Sam shouted "Sam..." Dean warned "we can summon the crossroads demon-." Sam sighed "we're not summoning anything!" Dean shouted over Sam "pull the gun on her and force her to let you out of the deal!" Sam finished.

"We don't even know if that'll work!" Dean yelled "well then, we'll just shoot her! If she dies, then the deal goes away!" Sam yelled "we don't know if that'll work either, Sam! All you're pitching me right now is a bunch of 'ifs' and 'maybes,' and that's not good enough because if we screw with this deal, you die!" Dean shouted "and if we don't screw with it, you die!" Sam screamed as I put my head back and looked up at the celling, waiting for them to stop fighting.

"Sam, enough! I am not going to have this conversation." Dean scolded "why, because you said so?" Sam asked "yes, because I said so!" Dean yelled "well, you're not Dad!" Sam shouted making me raise my eyebrows and look at them, waiting for whatever was going to be said next as they just stared at each other "no, but I am the oldest. And I'm doing what's best. And you're going to let this go, you understand me?" Dean said as they stared at each other angrily. Sam turned away and looked out of his window.

"Tell me about the psychotic killer." Dean said calmly as Sam didn't answer "c'mon, Sam, tell me about the psychotic killer." Dean encouraged as Sam lifted a paper off of his lap and started reading it monotone "psychotic killer...rips victims apart with brute-like ferocity." Sam said "okay, any mention of his razor-sharp teeth or his four-inch claws? Animal eyes?" Dean asked "no. But the lunar cycle's right. Look, if it is a werewolf, we don't have long. Moon's full this Friday, and that's the last time it changes for a month." Sam replied "two days, no sweat." Dean nodded.

When we arrived in town, Sam and Dean went into the hospital as detectives to talk to the only surviving victim. They emerged about twenty minutes later and told me that the victim, Kyle, said his assailant had killed his brothers. He also told them that the man was just an average-looking person. The most distinctive thing about him was a Wile E. Coyote tattoo. While Dean talked to the doctor, Kyle thought Sam was a sketch artist, so somehow, he got roped into drawing a picture of his attacker. Dean grabbed Sam's notebook and flipped to his drawing "boy, this is a piece of, uh, art. Really." Dean laughed.

As I peered over Dean's shoulder and smirked when I saw a stick figure with large muscles, a giant head, and a goofy smile with huge sharp teeth. Sam snatched the notebook out of Dean's hand and tucked it away "yeah, like you could've done any better." Sam said "I mean, instead of almost blowing our could just have me do stuff like that." I suggested "yeah, 'cause people would believe a fifteen-year-old is a detective." Dean laughed "um, excuse me, but l'm seventeen. And also, you could just say...I'm like a child prodigy or something." I said "all right, Nancy Drew. Calm down." Dean smirked as I stuck my tongue out at him.

"So, what did the doc have to say about Kyle's brothers?" Sam laughed "not much. They were
DOA at the scene. He did give me the lowdown on the coroner's report." Dean said "lemme guess, their hearts were missing." Sam said "nope. But chunks of their kidneys, lungs, and intestines." Dean replied as I frowned in disgust "that's just gross." Sam groaned "yeah, also definitely not werewolf behavior." Dean said "so, what? Demon? Attacker could've been possessed." Sam said "why would a demon stop halfway through an attack?" Dean asked "I think that uh...could've...yeah, I got nothing." Sam said "me neither." Dean nodded.

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