Chapter 109-Not Normal Vampires

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Finally coming to a stop, we were pulled out, and the bags were removed from our heads noticing we were standing in front of our motel as the men gave us one last look and then got into their van and took off feeling Sam put his hand on my back as we started walking toward our room "what are we gonna do?" I asked him "Gordon might be the only one killing anything besides animals." Sam replied as we stopped in front of our door "they could've killed us...easily, but they let us go. I think we need to do the same for them." I said as he nodded opening the door, and walking in.

Spotting Dean and another man I assumed to be Gordon, sitting at the table with maps and research "where you been?" Dean asked us as he turned around to look at us "can we talk to you alone?" Sam asked him "you mind chillin' out for a couple minutes?" Dean said turning back to look at the man as Gordon shook his head, and then Dean followed us out to the parking lot.

"Dean, maybe we've got to rethink this hunt." Sam said "what are you talking about? Where were you guys?" Dean asked us "in the nest." I said as he looked at me, shocked, and then looked at Sam "you found it and brought her with you?" Dean said "they found us, man." Sam replied "how'd you get out? How many you kill?"Dean asked "none." Sam said "well, they didn't just let you go." Dean replied "that's exactly what they did." I said looking up at him "all right, well, where is it?" Dean asked "we were blindfolded. We don't know." Sam replied.

"Well, you've got to know something." Dean said "we went over that bridge outside of town, but Dean listen. Maybe we shouldn't go after them." Sam said "why not?" Dean asked "I don't think they're like other vampires. I don't think they're killing people." Sam replied "you're joking. Then how do they stay alive? Or undead, or whatever the hell they are." Dean laughed "the cattle mutilations. They said they live off of animal blood." Sam explained "and you believed them?"Dean asked him "well, they let us go." I said "wait, so you're, no way. I don't know why they let you go. I don't really care. We find 'em, we waste 'em." Dean shook his head.

"Why?" Sam asked him "what part of 'vampires' don't you understand. If it's supernatural, we kill it, end of story. That's our job." Dean said "no, Dean, that is not our job. Our job is hunting evil. And if these things aren't killing people, they're not evil!" Sam yelled "of course, they're killing people. That's what they do. They're all the same, Sam. They're not human, okay? We have to exterminate every last one of them." Dean said "how can you say that? We've met some pretty awful people before, but we don't take out every person we come across. Just because they're vampires doesn't mean that they're evil.
We don't need to kill them." I said "yeah, Dean, I don't think so, all right? Not this time." Sam said.

"Gordon's been on those vamps for a year, he knows." Dean said "Gordon?" Sam asked "yes." Dean nodded "you're taking his word for it?" Sam scoffed "that's right." Dean replied as Sam shook his head "Ellen says he's bad news." Sam said "you called Ellen?" Dean asked as Sam nodded "and I'm supposed to listen to her? We barely know her, Sam, no thanks, I'll go with Gordon." Dean said "right, 'cause Gordon's such an old friend. You don't think I can see what this is?" Sam asked him as Dean furrowed his brow and shook his head "what are you talking about?" Dean asked him "he's a substitute for Dad, isn't he?" Sam accused "a poor one." Sam said as Dean shook his head.

"Shut up, Sam." Dean muttered "he's not even close, Dean. Not on his best day." Sam said as Dean rolled his eyes "ya know what? I'm not even going to talk about this." Dean said "ya know, you slap on this big fake smile, but I can see right through it. Because I know how you feel, Dean. Dad's dead. And he left a hole, and it hurts so bad you can't take it, but you can't just fill up that hole with whoever you want to. It's an insult to his memory." Sam said as Dean smirked at him "okay." He said turning to walk away but turned back around punching Sam in the face.

"What the hell's the matter with you?!" I yelled shoving him in the chest harshly as a sad look crossed Dean's face when he looked down at me as Sam put his hand on my shoulder and then stepped towards Dean "you hit me all you want. It won't change anything." Sam said "I'm going to that nest. You don't want to tell me where it is, fine. I'll find it myself." Dean replied as he walked back to the room "Dean." Sam said as he followed after him while I followed behind them, but when we walked back into our room, Gordon was gone "Gordon?" Dean asked as he looked around the

"You think he went after them?" Sam asked him as he shrugged "probably." Dean muttered "Dean, we have to stop him." Sam said "really, Sam?" Dean snapped "because I say we lend a hand." Dean said "just give us the benefit of the doubt, would you? You owe us that." Sam pleaded "yeah, we'll see. I'll drive. Give me the keys." Dean said as he put his hand out to Sam while Sam pointed to the side table where he had left them, but they were missing as Sam sighed "he snaked the keys." Sam said as Dean groaned, and then we followed him out to the Impala as we all got in and waited while Dean hotwired the car.

"I can't believe this. I just fixed her up, too."
Dean said as the car started "so, the bridge, is that, uh, is that all you got?" He said "the bridge was four and a half minutes from their farm." Sam said "how do you know?" Dean asked "I counted." Sam said as he looked at a map while I sat forward and watched him trace the path we had taken "they took a left out of the farm-." Sam said "then turned right onto a dirt road." I pointed as Sam smiled and nodded "we followed that for two minutes slightly up a hill, then took another quick right, and we hit the bridge." He said as Dean smirked at Sam "you're good. You're a monster pain-in-the-ass...but you're good." Dean said.

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