Chapter 117-Not Our Normal Case

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We drove the Impala back over to Andy's van and the three of us got out and walked over to it "not exactly an inconspicuous ride. Let's have a look." Dean said as he pulled a crowbar out of his jacket and popped the back door open as the door opened, music started playing, and a disco ball lowered from the ceiling and started spinning. The back of the van had fur rugs all over it and a giant painting of a tiger on the wall. Sam rummaged through the many books in the back, and Dean grabbed a huge, glass vase-looking thing that was almost as tall as me.

"Uh, what is that?" I asked them as Dean laughed awkwardly and placed the vase back in the van "let's talk about that when you're older." Dean said as I looked at Sam, but he just shook his head "oh. Oh, come on. This is-This is magnificent, that's what this is. Not exactly a serial killer's lair, though. There's no...clown paintings on the walls or scissors stuck in victims' photos..I like the tiger." Dean said "Hegel, Kant, Wittgenstein?" Sam asked, looking through the books "that's some pretty heavy reading, Dean." Sam said as Dean smirked and tapped the glass thing "yeah, and uh, and Moby Dick's bong." Dean said.

After we closed up the van, we went to a gas station and got some food for our stake-out.
Then we went back to the Impala and waited for Andy to return to his van as Dean finished eating his microwaveable cheeseburger and crumpled the wrapper "ugh. Ya know, one day, I'd love to just sit down and eat something I didn't have to microwave at a minimart." He said tossing the wrapper into the back, it landed directly in my lap "hey, watch where you're tossing things back here, buddy." I said grabbing the paper and throwing it at the back of Dean's head.

As Dean turned and smirked at me, his cheeks still stuffed with burger while Sam sighed heavily, flipping through papers in a folder "what I don't get is the motive. I mean, the doctor was squeaky clean. Why would Andy waste him?" Sam questioned "if it is Andy." Dean said "dude, enough." Sam snapped "what?" Dean asked "the doctor was mind-controlled in front of a bus. Andy just happens to have the power of mind control. You do the math." Sam said "I just don't think the guy's got it in him, that's all." Dean replied "well, how the hell would you know? I mean, why are you bending over backward defending him?" Sam asked angrily.

"Cause you're not right about this." Dean replied "about Andy?" Sam asked him as Andy appeared suddenly at Sam's open window slamming his hands down and leaning in "hey! You think I haven't seen you three? Why are you following me?" Andy asked us "well, we're-." Sam said "tell the truth!" Andy yelled "that's what I'm-." Sam said "we hunt demons." Dean said quickly "Dean!" Sam and I shouted in unison "what?" Andy asked, confused "demons and spirits. Things your worst nightmares wouldn't even touch. Sam here. He's my brother. Addison is our sister." Dean said pointing at each of us.

"Dean, shut up!" Sam yelled
"I'm trying." Dean said to Sam and then quickly switched his attention back to Andy "he's psychic...kind of like you. Well, not really like you, but see, he thinks you're a murderer, and he's afraid that he's going to become one himself, 'cause you're all part of something that's terrible. And I hope to hell that he's wrong, but I'm starting to get a little scared that he might be right. Also, I'm pretty sure you tried to use your Jedi mind tricks on Addie earlier, and it didn't work, which freaks me out." He finished taking a deep breath, and then smiled uncomfortably.

"Okay, ya know what? Just leave me alone." Andy said "okay." Dean replied "all right?" Andy said smacking the door and walking away as Dean cringed and held his head in pain making Sam quickly get out and followed after Andy as I leaned forward and rubbed Dean's shoulder "are you okay?" I asked him as Dean nodded quickly and then got out while I followed "what are you doing? Look, I-I said leave me alone." Andy said.

"All right? Get out of here, just start driving, and never stop." Andy said once again "doesn't seem to work on me, Andy." Sam replied "what?" Andy asked him "you can make people do things, can't you? You can tell them what to think." Sam said as he turned and put his hand out, warning Dean and me not to get any closer "look, that-that's crazy." Andy said "it all started about a year ago, didn't it? After you turned twenty-two. Little stuff at first, and then you got better at controlling it." Sam said "how do you know all this?" Andy asked him "because the same thing happened to me, Andy. My mom died in a fire, too. I have abilities, too. You see, we're connected, you and me." Sam said.

"Ya know what? Just-just-just-just get out of here, all right?!" Andy yelled "why did you tell the doctor to walk in front of a bus?" Sam asked him "what?" Andy asked "why did you kill him?" Sam asked him "I didn't!" Andy yelled as Sam cringed and started to fall as Dean and I ran over to him and Dean caught him "Sam? What is it?" Dean asked him "look, I didn't do anything to him." Andy said "a woman. A woman burning alive." Sam said "what else did you get?" Dean asked him "a gas station, a woman, is gonna kill herself." Sam said.

"What does he mean, going to? What is he- What is-." Andy asked "shut up!" I snapped as Dean and I made eye contact and then turned our attention back to Sam "she gets triggered by a call on her cell." Sam said "when?" Dean asked "I don't know. But as long as we keep our eyes on this son of a bitch, he can't hurt her." Sam said "I didn't hurt anybody." Andy said, scared "yeah, not yet." Sam said as fire engines roared past us, sirens blaring as we all turned to watch "go." Sam mumbled as Dean nodded and then hopped into the Impala while Sam and I turned back to Andy, who tried to step past us.

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