Chapter 26-Captured

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Heading down the sewer system we look around at how long the tunnel system runs before heading back up to get some weapons ready in order to kill this thing.

Once we head back down the sewer system heading in even deeper as we begin searching for it's lair "I think we're close to its lair." Dean said "why do you say that?" I asked him "because there's another puke-inducing pile next to your face." Dean said, shining his flashlight on more bloody sludge that was right next to me "oh, god!" I exclaimed while jumping away from it "look." Sam said pointing his flashlight at another pile mixed with clothes "looks like it's lived here for a while." Dean replied "who knows how many murders he's gotten away with?" Sam wondered as I pointed my flashlight up
"Dean!" I yelled seeing the thing right behind him as I fired a bullet at it but missed.

Once we made our way outside we split up looking for the thing as I make my way through an alleyway coming up with nothing as I make my way back to the car "hey! Did you find it?" Dean asked me "no. I got nothing. Where's Sam?" I asked him "he's probably back at the car Ads. Come on." He said grabbing my hand as we made our way to the car "are you sure? I mean maybe we should wait for him." I said about to turn around but before I could I feel myself get hit in the head with something before falling into a pair of arms.

Waking up with a splitting headache I open my eyes blinking them a few times to clear the fuzziness away as I try to get up feeling myself being held down by some rope and straps that are around my body as I try to call out for help I feel a cloth tied around my mouth preventing me from talking.

"Ahh, I was beginning to wonder when you would wake up, sweetheart." Dean said as he gently caressed cheek making my flinch at his touch before he backs away from me heading back up to the surface and most likely to Rebecca's when all of a sudden I hear someone stirring awake behind me "Addie? Sam?" Dean asked "uh, yeah." Sam muttered "I'm coming." Dean said as he got himself loose before beginning to walk towards "no. Get Ads first." Sam replied as I hear him coming towards.

"Addie. You alright?" Dean asked me as he unties my hands I reach up taking cloth out of my mouth "ugh, yeah. I'm fine." I said standing up once I'm released before making my way over to Sam once all of us are free we head up and out of the sewer towards Rebecca's.

Finally arriving at Rebecca's we break the door open and head inside as I take out gun firing at the thing knocking it back into the wall as I stare at it in shock.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐞 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧Where stories live. Discover now