Chapter 223 - Demon Island Laboratory

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"Where is this forge located?"

"It's below deck. In a reinforced room near the engine." The man told Daichi the fastest route to the location.

'He'll be an excellent asset if I can get him to work for me. But I doubt I could sneak him out of this chaotic situation with so many eyes here... Hmm... I need to come up with a plan. Hmm... That might work. But I need access to that jutsu.' The boy decided to proceed with his interrogation as he knew time was of the essence.

"Alright, back to Amachi. How did Mazui and Bozui help you get away from Amachi? Where is he?"

"One day almost 5 months ago when Amachi was in the middle of his experiments the Lightning twins found the hidden building and broke into the lab. Amachi tried to reason with them but they disagreed and fought with him. Sometime later I was freed and seeing my ability to breath and easily move underwater they asked me to join them. I had nowhere else to go so I took them on their offer."

"And Amachi? Is he alive or did the lightning twins kill him?" Daichi knew his plans hinged on the man being alive.

"He's alive. After learning who Amachi was and who he worked for, Mazui decided not to kill him. He thought the man could be used as a bargaining chip. So he injured the man but made sure to leave him alive. He's imprisoned in a room in the lab."

Daichi let out a breath of relief hearing that news. 'So he's still alive huh. Hmm.. But this happened almost 5 months ago? I don't know if these guys keep regular tabs on the man or not but I need to get to him fast.'

"So he's still there huh. What are the chances of him being alive?" Daichi asked Onizaki.

"Very. He's just like me but more perfected. Even though he's suffered, I'm certain he's still alive." The fishman replied in a subdued tone. "I told you everything I know. Please end this. I just want this to end. No more."

Daichi's face slightly softened. He nodded his head and took a kunai. "Very well. A deal is a deal. I hope you have better luck in your next life."

Daichi killed the man and quickly disposed of the body. 'So that man is still alive huh. He's a very valuable piece. No. He's the key piece. If I have him, if he has what I'm looking for, then I can put my plans in motion much sooner than I anticipated. I need to make contact with him quickly. Preferably before Kakashi or anyone else finds him.'

Flashback End.

Daichi's Shadow Clone.

The solid clone made sure to go unnoticed by the Jonins fighting on the sea. He traveled for several hours and finally made his way to the Demon island. By then the clone had received all the memories and information from the other clones. 'I need to find Amachi as soon as possible. The battle is over and Kakashi and Guy will reach Mother Island soon.'

Daichi took out a pill and quickly ate it and then made several seals. 'I need to mask my scent. I can't let Kakashi know that I was here. I have to make my presence on this island as little as possible.'

Once the effects of the pill and jutsu started, Daichi landed on the island. He created a few more clones and had it scout the island. All of them made sure to leave no trace of their footprints or their presence.

He was looking for the landmarks that Onizaki described. Daichi used Mana Scout to make sure there weren't any unexpected people on the island.

'When I create shadow clones my Chakra will keep splitting in half but Mana on the other hand... No matter how many clones are made, they all have 70% of the Mana of their creator. That's a nice advantage to have.'

The Adventurous Gamer Ninja - Daichi Hekima [Vol. 02]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat