■Love Has No Color

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Author: Beccalove_16
Parts: 20
Reads: 1.31k
Status: On-going
Genre: Romance

BLURB- Violet Evans had always been in the process of figuring out who she is

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- Violet Evans had always been in the process of figuring out who she is. With her newfound chapter of college experiences unfolding, she's being pulled in many different directions. She finds herself in pressure to figure out her God-given purpose while combatting racism, discrimination, and her own poor perception of herself. Through this process, she tries to navigate relationships the best way she knows how. She often puts race at the forefront of her options, but ultimately realizes that who she's with doesn't matter the color. The only thing that matters is the true love she finds and keeps while also living out her calling.

- Today could've been an ordinary day, but it wasn't. It was the day I was finally moving into a new chapter; I was graduating from high school! I spent four years trying to keep my grades up, succeeding with a 3.4 GPA. Though my parents expected higher (and it made me feel bad about myself for a little while), I came to terms that I was graduating nonetheless. I was on the right path...for now. In all honesty, I didn't know how I was able to make it this far. After today, I would be an official college-student-to-be. I wanted to fly freely, to spread my wings and soar upon the wind. I knew I was independent. Nothing was going to change that.


"Oh stop it, Preston. You're making us look bad," she said. I laughed at the interaction between my parents. Dad ushered us out of the crowd and into the car. He seemed to be in a rush to get somewhere. I raised my eyebrows at his seemingly reckless driving, but he knew what he was doing. He'd been driving since 1982.

"Dad, you alright?" I asked. He made eye contact with me through the rearview mirror and smiled, "Yes. We just can't be late for our reservations."

On cue, my stomach growled. Perfect timing.

How can Violet Evans overcome the trials and challenges that may come to her life? Can she able to combat all the discrimination and racism thrown at her? Find out in the story of Beccalove_16 . Enjoy!!! 🌼

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