■Less Than Seven

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Author: themnzn
Parts: 7
Reads: 2.92k
Status: On-going
Genre: Action

92kStatus: On-goingGenre: Action

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- They were murdered. They were clothed with blood.

They are now Less Than Seven.

- The ties were black, the lies were white. In shades of gray, there is no candlelight.

The sky that people are seeing today are the skies filled with nothing but darkness.

Its gloomy, obscure, and tenebrific appearance has brought fear, worry, and even such chaotic episodes.

Its episodes saddened countless of innocent people turning them to worry about everything.



"Stop right there. Yeah, you're good especially your grades and your background in journalism. You're now accepted. Welcome to our company, the Prevalent Paramount Arrowhead Publication." The admission officer said.

"Thank you, Madam. I will do good and I will be productive at all times" I replied with an excited voice.

After I got accepted to that mysterious publication office as one of their lucky four new writers, I immediately called my mom to inform her about this.

She was happy.


Cheer up, self. Cheer up, Jeremiah Oliver Vann Éclair Nehemiah. That's why my nickname is Joven. It came from the Initials of my stupid, ridiculously long, pathetic name. Some were biblically-based, so amen for that.

I have to sleep now. I'm going to sleep after experiencing that Welcome Destruction moment in the publication office.

Good night stupid creatures of the Milky Way Galaxy.

Curious about the book? Follow themnzn and read the story. Enjoy!!! ♡♡♡

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