■Something Immortal

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Author: checeewrites
Parts: 11
Reads: 2.48k
Status: On-going
Genre/s: Fantasy - Romance

48kStatus: On-goingGenre/s: Fantasy - Romance

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- Aria is living the life of a normal person and yet her world is about to change when she met Austin. The connection between them felt peculiar as they started to get along. Aria keeps dreaming of past events and Austin was there. She needed answers to every question, "Why was Austin there?"

She had this feeling of knowing this man for so long but their tragic fate keeps her from knowing the truth.


- "You met me at a strange time in my life" his words echoed through the walls that binds us together.

"Someday you'll only be in my memory" I said softly

he plasters a smile and quickly shifts his emotion, "Run Aria. Get away from me please"

Austin, my love. I don't know why I said those things. I just happen to foresee the strings of our future.

He walked out and I followed his shadows from the moonlight and there he was again, trembling in terror.


I laid back and stared blankly at the ceilings. It's been a month since I start to dream about this man. Each time I wake up, I forgot his name, his features, and the way he talks. I can't also remember completely what I dream about. It's like a broken record trying to play by itself. I let out a heavy sigh and went on with my morning routines.

I heard the sounds of the doorbell as I was about to finish my favorite bacon and eggs with hot coffee for breakfast.

"Nice to see you again Drake!" My mom greeted at the door with her sweet smile, "Please join us for breakfast".

"Good morning Mrs. Williams" he smiled back and he sat beside me.


I got tensed while I felt his breath around my neck. I haven't remembered anything about the accident or falling moments ago.

"You're burning up.." A man's voice echoed through my mind like I almost recalled a forgotten memory.

"Are you having an affair?" he said in a demanding tone

"What? Excuse me?" I was terrified since I knew him for his bad temper

"I said did you have an affair?!" he

shouted and grabbed my throat and

choked me with his bare hands

"I'd never do something like that!" I struggled trying to grasp for air

I clawed my fingers at his hands uselessly and used my last breath to scream for help.

There it was again, nightmares.

Does Aria and Austin was once a couple in their past life? Curious? Follow checeewrites and read her story to find out. Enjoy! ♡♡♡

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