Bruce Banner

      Getting Bruce away from the lab some days were near impossible and others he came with you with little to no resistance at all and lucky for you this was one of those times. All you wanted was to have a nice dinner with him and then he could go back to doing whatever tests he was before you stole him away from his precious lab. You were worried that he had forgotten your birthday, worried that work would be more important than this one day you wanted with him. You were dressed in a simple, yet nice, outfit ready to go while he finished getting ready in the bathroom. He was so modest it made you laugh, too shy to even admit you two had been intimate before or acknowledge the fact you have seen each other naked in the worst possibly place. You noticed he was dressed exceptionally well but looked really nervous, "relax, it's just for dinner then you can go back to your lab"  you smiled linking your arm with his before heading out. You two had a great time but he never once said happy birthday to you or even hinted at the fact that he even remembered and this really upset you but you tried to act calm knowing he was probably just stressed out. You two had made it home and while you changed in the bedroom he waited for you in the living room fiddling with a box and a card. You thought he had been long gone back to the lab so when you came into the room wearing pajamas and one of his older shirts you were flushed red with embarrassment. "B-Bruce, I though you left!" you managed to blabber out before sitting next to him, he handed you the card and box "I'm not the best with gifts so I had some help. . .but that doesn't matter" he smiled slightly looking up at you "Happy birthday" you nearly started crying because you were so happy. You opened the card and read his ind words. I know I'm not very good at these but I hope you have a happy birthday. I love you and. . .the other guy seems to really like you too so here's to another year older and more time together. You chuckled at his awkward words but nothing made you happier than his attempts at being romantic, you attention turned from the card to the box. Opening it revealed a wonderfully shiny and beautiful green gem necklace it reminded you of him because of the green and you, on instinct, hugged him tight whispering "thank you so much! This is so very wonderful" you were crying from excitement and happiness. He hugged you back, holding you until you calmed down enough to talk again "I love you, thank you for the best birthday I've had in a long long time" he smiled, a small grin reserved for only you "I love you too and it was nothing for you." 

Thor Odinson

      Thor, oh wonderful and loving Thor, he showered you with gifts even if it was unnecessary so getting things from him was nothing new but for some reason it was always more special on those special occasions. Your birthday was today and you had yet to see Thor's lovely face, you were sure he was only busy and would be back in a few hours so in the mean time you decided to head out to the gardens far east from here and watched the birds fly about within the flower beds. You loved this area of Asgard but you were partial to any place that was this peaceful, humming an old tune you learned from Frigga you watched as the birds seemed to flutter along with the notes you produced. It was wonderful but you wished for Thor to be there and experience this with you and so you called out to him, "Thor? Oh dearest I wish you to be here with me, I miss you so much" you touched a slightly wilted flower breathing life into it once more, "that flower, pale in compared to your life or your beauty" you nearly jumped out out of your skin "Love!" you cried out hugging him tight. He chuckled knowing he startled you "you did call for me, how was I to ignore my dearests call?" You grinned unable to be mad at his charming personality "turn around and close your eyes" he asked, and trusting him you did as he asked. You felt something cool touch your neck and his hand clip something together, "you may open your eyes" you opened them and looked down and noticed the lovely shine of a queen crown necklace it was beautiful, like many things he had given you but this one was special "for you, my queen" he whispered before kissing you "thank you, Thor, thank you so very much" you mindlessly messed with the pendent smiling like a goofball. You looked up into his baby blue eyes and whispered "this has been the best birthday in many centuries" before hugging him.

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