You Get Scared/Afraid

Start from the beginning

Thor Odinson

      You had never been able to swim, something you were never taught and the thought of drowning was something else that made it hard to learn. You were too embarrassed to tell Thor you thought it was something that would just never some up, that was until now. You were invited, so graciously by Tony, to a pool party and you were pretty scared to go and it was clear on your face as you sat next to Cap at poolside. You were fidgeting, "you alright?" he asked and you nodded "of course" he shrugged and continued to watch the others having fun "wanna go in the water with the others?" you shook your head a little quickly but being the gentleman he was he did not question further. Tony had no clue you could not swim, no clue that you were very scared of deep water so he decided to throw you into the water. You went straight into panic mode, there was no in between and when Thor pulled you out in a panic you immediately slapped Tony before disappearing back in Asgard, in your room, crying hard. You were curled up in the corner of the room crying for so long that you had fallen asleep by the time the God found you. He picked you up and placed you on the bed waking you up when he let you go, "I'm so sorry Thor, I-I. . ." the lump began to reform in your throat "shh, there is no need to apologize Love, you were clearly afraid and all that matters is that you are okay now" you nodded letting tears silently fall down your cheeks feeling his thumb brush some away "would you like me to stay with you?" he asked softly "please" you begged looking up into his lovely blue eyes with your cloudy ones "of course, now," he pulled you into his chest in one quick motion "sleep, I will be right here when you wake" you nodded grabbing his hand before falling asleep.

Loki Laufeyson

     You were sleeping peacefully curled up next to Loki, everything about the day was normal and everything about this night seemed normal but in your dreams it was not. Your dreams often turned to nightmares and they often tore you from your sleep and that would wake Loki. You always felt bad about waking him but he would insist it was fine, that he would be right there whenever you needed him. These nightmares had began to fade and so you thought nothing of them as you fell asleep but within a few hours a familiar feeling swept over your sleeping form. You noticed the darkness, being able to see nothing but hearing so many things happening around you as you panic screaming out familiar friends names but getting no response. You ran forwards trying to find light, trying to find anything or anyone but laughter only surrounded you as you continued on this almost aimless running into nothingness. You stopped and abruptly lights everywhere, but they were not beautiful or relieving but crimson red and scary. You screamed out once more and heard a faint voice, you ran as hard and as fast as you could to this voice. You heard it getting closer and then you jolted awake, sitting straight up out of breath and sweating looking over to Loki who was sitting up. He wa the one to beackon you out of the nightmare and you saw the worry in his eyes "I-I thought they were gone. . .Oh, Loki. . .I-I" you broke down into uncontrolable sobs holding your face in your hands as he pulled you into his side whispering soft words of confort. After a long while you managed to calm the tears down to occasional hiccups "sh, Milady there is nothing that will harm you as long as I live" you nodded but knew you wouldn't be able to sleep much that night.

Clint Barton

     You had faced death many times, so many in fact you thought you had become used to the thought of dying but you were wrong. Death was meant to be scary and you weren't suppose to like the thought of going, only to make terms with it as you were about to die. You mind became the most haunting thing about this, making the whole thing tough to handle and it scared you. You would occasionally be so afraid that it brought you nightmares and made you cry but most of the time Clint was there to handle it, he was there to make it better. You watched the birds fly around on the roof of the Stark tower, you smiled but the smile turn to a frown when your mind decided to wonder back to all the times you faced death and how you had managed to escape. You wrapped your arms around your legs, eyes watery but you forced away the tears trying to remember the words Clint had said to you to make those bad thoughts go away. He said to repeat "we may die, but it's what we do now that matters most" you repeated those words, over and over again until you calmed yourself down. You took a long slow breath "see? I told you, you could do it by yourself. I told you that you were strong enough to will away those thoughts" his voice scared you as he sat down beside you watching the birds fly off the opposite building "be like those birds, brave and ready to fly no matter what happens" you nodded and leaned into his shoulder taking his hand. You felt comforted with him around, he was your rock and you were happy with him "thanks, Birdboy" you joked and he laughed "anytime, Little Bird, anytime."

James "Bucky" Barnes

     You never had too many moments where you were scared or extremely afraid anymore, you had been through it all you thought. Well, you thought you had anyways but you were very wrong. You were scared to death right now, sitting straight up in bed with sweat pooling at the base of your neck. You looked around in a panic only to calm down seeing Bucky sleeping peacefully tonight next to you but the nightmare made you unable to sleep because of how real it felt. You pulled your legs up to your chest and felt hot tears stream down your face, it was a foreign feeling because you were so used to not crying over nightmares. Your moving woke Bucky and when he groggily looked at you and noticed the tears he immediately pulled you into him as he sat up with you. You couldn't protest, couldn't argue about looking like a mess, you just didn't have the emotional strength to keep yourself calm so you cried into him. You felt the cries slow down to slow hiccups and then they stopped completely. You felt his arms holding you and one hand running through your hair softly, his head was leaning on top of yours and his eyes were closed but he was not back asleep he was worried about you. He was worried about what had made you so upset and afraid that you began to cry rivers in his arms. You managed to wiggle free and look up at him "do you want to talk about it?" you shook your head, you did not want to relive that and so he left it at that but placed a gentle kiss on your forehead "do want to sleep against me?" you nodded and whispered when you both had gotten comfortable again, "thanks Bucks."

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