"Miss Blake, are you okay?" Stiles reached for one of the feathers in her hair, pulling it out as she flinched away. "Sorry, just...that."

He showed her the feather and hastily dropped it to the floor. He needed hand sanitizer.

"Mr. Argent," his dad's voice caught his attention. He looked to see that Noah was now talking to Mr. Argent, his arms crossed over his chest. "You wouldn't have any insight into this would you?"

Stiles rushed over to Gracie, who had been sitting close by. He sat on the desk beside her, watching the exchange as he listened carefully.

"Me?" He could tell from Mr. Argent's tone, he was taken aback.

"Yeah," Noah said with a nod. "All this bizarre animal behavior, it's...You must have seen something like this before, right?"

"I'm not sure why I would or why you would think I would," Mr. Argent was uncharacteristically flustered as he spoke to Noah.

Noah paused for a second. "I'm sorry, I could have sworn I overheard my son talking about how you were an experienced hunter."

Stiles' eyes widened. When Chris Argent looked his way, he quickly ducked his head, burying his face into his phone so he looked busy.

"Ah, right," Mr. Argent replied. "Well, not anymore."

Gracie was pretty sure they were going dismissed, so she took her things and left the classroom. She and her classmates had been excused for the rest of the day.

As she and Stiles walked through the hallway, the Stilinski boy called Scott.

"We got a serious problem at school," he reported when Scott answered, not taking the time to greet his best friend. "Miss Blake's class—–"

"––Hey, can you tell me about it later?" Scott interrupted him as his voice blared on speakerphone. Stiles frowned, sharing a look with the Hale girl, who looked equally confused.

"Well, no, I'm pretty sure this qualifies for immediate discussion."

Scott sighed. "Okay, then meet me at Derek's."

"His loft?"

"No, his old house."

"What are you doing at my old house?" Gracie jumped in.

"That's Gracie, by the way," Stiles pointed out the obvious.

The last Gracie and Derek knew, the old Hale house had been taken over by the county. She had been upset about it but relieved at the same time. It was the house she grew up in, but she had to move on. They both did.

"Just meet us here, okay," Scott said hurriedly. "Bye."

Derek flashed his red-colored alpha eyes at Scott's blank arm, where he had gotten the tattoo that had healed the night before.

"Yeah, I see it," he hummed lowly. "It's two bands, right?"

"Yeah," Scott nodded, glancing back at Stiles, who pursed his lips tightly.

Derek's red eyes faded back into their normal greenish-blue color. "What does it mean?"

"I don't know," Scott shrugged, leaning forward as he his fingers traced two circles on the dust covering the table in front of him. "It's just something I traced with my fingers."

"Why is this so important to you?" Derek asked.

"Do you know what the word 'tattoo' means?"

"To mark something," Stiles said, smiling at the two, remembering what the tattoo artist had told them.

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