xxxv. the calm before the storm

Start from the beginning

Finally, she told Lydia about Jennifer taking Melissa and Scott joining Deucalion and the rest of the alphas.

"I don't believe it," Lydia shook her head with a sigh. "Scott can't really be with them. He can't be."

"He's doing it for his mom and the sheriff," Gracie frowned. "And the look on his face..."

"Okay, so what can I do?" Lydia immediately volunteered to help them, making Gracie smile thankfully at her. "I know I'm supposed to be some human Geiger counter for death or something, but you told me that I could maybe save some people. I don't know how to turn it on and off yet, but..."

When she hesitated, Gracie bit the inside of her cheek. "What?"

"Remember what Jennifer said when she was going to kill me after you?" Lydia reminded her. "She said I knew too much."

"You're right. She didn't know you were a banshee." Gracie's mind raced. Jennifer tried to kill Lydia because she knew something about what was going on, but what was it?

She thought back on how Lydia had been acting since the school year started, and other than finding the dead bodies and that stint at the Motel Glen Capri, she couldn't think of much else...

Except, wait.

There was something. The day before, when they were in English class learning about idioms, Jennifer had commented on Lydia's drawing.

"Your drawing," she said aloud to see if it sparked something in Lydia. "The one you always draw, the tree."

Lydia looked at her confused, "What are you talking about?"

"The tree you always draw," Gracie got up from the bed and rushed over to Lydia's desk, picking up one of the notebooks there. She opened it up and on the very first page, was the tree. She showed it to Lydia. "This tree. You've been drawing it everywhere."

"What?" Lydia asked, horrified. She ripped the notebook out of Gracie's grasp and flipped through the rest of the pages. Over and over, on each page, a drawing of the same tree was there in various sizes. "What the hell?"

"She knew that you knew something about the tree, but she didn't know what," Gracie pointed out. "Do you know what the drawing means?"

Lydia shook her head. "No, I don't. I mean, I talked about it with Miss Morrell once in one of our sessions, but––"

"––Miss Morrell knows?" Gracie cut her off urgently. "About the drawings and stuff?"

"Yeah, why?" Gracie didn't answer her as she pulled out her phone and started messaging Stiles. "Grace?"

"Sorry, sorry," Gracie turned back to Lydia. "Okay, Stiles and I are gonna head to the school and talk to Miss Morrell. Do you think you can try to get ahold of Aiden and see if he or the other alphas know anything about Jennifer that we don't?"

"I can try," Lydia seemed bewildered at how flustered Gracie was. "Are you all right?"

"Yeah, yeah, I just need to go," Gracie rushed to the door before stopping and turning back to her.

As Stiles and Gracie started heading over to Miss Morrell's office when they got to school, Gracie got a text message from Lydia.

📶 T-Mobile  LTE  10:32 AM                 96%🔋

Aiden's not texting me back

All right. Just keep trying, okay?

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