After getting settled in, Gracie wished that she had the thought to bring a change of clothes. She was supposed to be in her own bed at the loft by now. Still, she wished that she was getting comfortable in some pyjamas like Allison was.

After changing her bandages, the Hale girl decided to take a shower. Washing the soap out of her hair, Gracie stood under the water, never hearing the bathroom door open.

Stiles had knocked on the door when he didn't see Scott sitting on his bed. Hearing the shower going, he walked over to the bathroom sink and froze when he looked into the mirror. He figured it out pretty quickly that it wasn't his best friend when he was able to make out the Hale girl's naked backside, which wasn't covered by the curtain and barely hidden by the steam. It wasn't like he was looking, but he had only seen the reflection of her in the corner of the mirror, seeing the familiar purple bruises she had showed him on the bus.

"Whoa," he said loudly, ducking his head and rubbing his neck awkwardly. Gracie peeked her head out of the shower and wiped the water from her eyes to see the Stilinski boy standing by the sink, looking everywhere else. "You're not Scott."

"Yeah, sorry," she apologized, wincing.

"Uhm...what are you doing in here?"

"Showering," was all the Hale girl said.

"I can see that," Stiles let out a nervous chuckle before stopping to correct himself. "I mean, I saw that. Well, actually I didn't see anything really. I wasn't staring or anything. I just...there was too much steam, to, uh...Not that I would prefer there to be less steam."

"It's okay," Gracie smiled as she listened to his rambling. "It's just that Allison was hogging the shower, and Scott said I could use yours."

Stiles nodded his head as his mole-speckled cheeks turned red. "Yeah, no it-it's-it's fine..."

Turning off the water, she stuck her head back out as Stiles stood there. She looked at him expectantly as he kept looking at her.

"You're staring now," she finally told him.

"I'm not," he shook his head, tearing his eyes from her. But his eyes flickered back to her when she pulled open the curtain with the towel wrapped around her. "What are you doing?"

"I'm done," was all she said.

"Oh..." He hummed and jerked his finger, pointing behind himself. "I'll just..."

His voice trailed off as he left the bathroom and closed the door behind him. By the time Gracie got out, she was dressed, drying her hair with the towel.

"Four?" The Hale girl gave him an incredulous look as Stiles plopped onto his selected bed beside her. "You have four suspects?" 

"Yeah, it was originally ten," he admitted. "Well, nine technically, I guess. I had Derek on there two times." 

Gracie rolled her eyes. "So, who's your number one? Harris?" 

"Just because he's missing doesn't mean he's dead," Stiles confirmed. 

"So, if he's not dead, our chemistry teacher is out secretly committing human sacrifices?"

Stiles paused and looked over at her. "Yeah, I guess that just sounded way better in my head."

"Well, what if it's somebody else from school?" Gracie mused. "You remember Matt? We didn't know that he was killing people." 

Stiles lifted his head to look at her in disbelief. "Excuse me?"

He scrambled to his feet, determined to remind the Hale girl that, yes, he did think it was Matt and he had told her and Scott that it was but they didn't believe him.

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