xix. it's all within the eyes

Start from the beginning

With that, Derek moved first, sprinting toward Deucalion but Kali was quick to step in, throwing him to the ground. The others moved after that.

Everything was all happening too quickly.

Kali had Cora pinned to the ground with her nasty foot on her neck, Ennis, who had came down, had Boyd vulnerable to any attack, and Ethan and Aiden had Scott and Isaac laid out in front of them.

"Kill him," Deucalion spoke to Derek, gesturing to where Boyd laid. "The others can go."

It was clear that he was trapped; he didn't know what to do.

"You're beaten," Deucalion continued on. "Do it, Derek. Take the first step."

Derek didn't move.

"Are we serious with this kid?" Kali sneered at Deucalion, eyeing Derek furiously. "Look at him. He's an alpha? To what, a couple of useless teenagers?"

"Some have more promise than others," Deaucalion told her, eyeing Scott before ever-so-slowly turning back to the Hale girl. He eventually turned his attention back to Derek.

"Let him rise to the occasion then. What'll be, Derek? Pack," Kali tightened her stance on Cora's neck. "...or family?"

It was then that bright flashes of white light filled her vision. Little did the alpha pack know, Allison had snuck up to a higher platform above the Hale girl, so she had been hidden and out of sight as they fought.

The Hale pack and Scott were familiar with the arrows; they closed their eyes and took the opportunity to fight back. Isaac and Scott started fighting Ethan and Aiden individually.

Derek and Cora took the advantage of Kali and Ennis being blown away by the arrow to gather Boyd and get him on his feet.

Once Ethan and Aiden were subdued to where Isaac could fight them off himself, Scott started on Ennis. They collided so roughly that the sound that came from them echoed through the abandoned building. They were thrown off in different directions and when Scott landed in a typical superhero landing.

In that moment, his golden yellow eyes glowed in the darkness before flashing into that alpha red they were all so familiar with.

Scott blinked and his eyes changed back to gold. He went back to Ennis and Derek came from the other side, both of them hitting the alpha's back and front. Gracie watched the fight as the three wolves made their way up to the platform. With Ennis ahead, he came over to the Hale girl, slicing the tape that bound her to the chair with his claws.

As Derek and Scott showed up, Ennis had Gracie in his grip, the sharp edges of claws rested on the smooth skin of her neck. Gracie couldn't fight his grasp as she stood there. She was trembling in fear as he pulled her back so they were teetering over the edge.

As they stared each other down, their soft growls filling the air, Derek suddenly lunged at Ennis. As time moved quickly and everything seemed to be happening a mile a minute, Ennis tore his grip from the Hale girl's neck, and just like that, Gracie felt the concrete of the platform disappear under her feet as Ennis pushed her over the edge.

Derek fell to his knees as he let out a scream, "GRACIE!"

Even though they were only a story above the escalators, it seemed like forever as she fell through the air. She eventually hit the escalator stairs with a crunching noise filled the air as she landed on her stomach, her ribs breaking. She tumbled down the stairs roughly until she rolled to a stop.

Her white shirt was covered in blood stains, which grew bigger as she laid there, completely still.

"Gracie? Earth to Gracie?"

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