xiv. the crux of the matter

Start from the beginning

He wanted to go after the alpha twins.

Mr. Harris sighed and gestured toward the door. Isaac quickly got to his feet and walked out of the classroom.

Scott rose from his own seat. "I have to go to the bathroom too."

"One at a time," Mr. Harris reminded him of the school-wide rule. The rule was supposed to cut down on hook-ups and smoking or whatever it was that students did while skipping class but she didn't know if it actually worked.

The only time she had skipped class was when Stiles was trying to teach Scott control by throwing lacrosse balls at him. She really wasn't someone who liked to skip school, but with everything that happened last years, things change.

"But I really have to go," Scott said urgently as Gracie grimaced, nervous about what Isaac was going to do. "Like, medical emergency have-to-go."

Mr. Harris stiffened and Gracie just knew that he was going to rant. And, of course, she was right.

"Mr. McCall, if your bladder suddenly exploded and urine began to pour from every orifice, I would still respond with 'one at a time'," despite Mr. Harris' irritation, he kept his voice calm. "Is that enough hyperbole for you or would you like me to come up with something more vivid?"

"No," Scott quickly sat in his seat. "That's pretty good."

Gracie glanced back at Scott as he gave her a pleading look, and the Hale girl rolled her eyes. Although Mr. Harris never really seemed to like her last year –– or even the year before that –– things had changed. After Jackson, who had been Mr. Harris' favorite student, was sent to London, it had been no secret that Gracie had taken over his spot since she never really broke any rules and had the best grades in the class. Whether it was fair or not, when she forgot about an assignment or let her go back to her locker for something from her locker, he was far more lenient on her than anyone else. But then again, when has Mr. Harris ever been fair?

Shaking her head, Gracie let out a heavy breath as she rose her hand, and his gaze flickered over to her. "Yes, Miss Hale?"

"May I use the restroom, please?" She asked, her voice was soft as she spoke.

"Miss Hale––"

"Cramps," Gracie lied, holding her side as if she were actually in pain. "Please..."

Mr. Harris rolled his eyes. "Of course."

However, before she could even stand up, all of a sudden, everyone in the classroom heard a huge bang come from the lockers on the other side of the wall.

Mr. Harris made his way over to the door and the rest of the class followed him. Gracie and Scott stuck together as they pushed past their classmates in order to see what was going on.

Isaac stood in the middle of the hallway with one of the alpha twins at his feet, beaten up and bloody. Gracie's attention was immediately captured by the other twin, who was casually turning into another hallway.

She quickly nudged Scott and nodded at him and his face lit up in realization. It was clear –– to them, at least –– that Isaac hadn't done anything to the twin at his feet.

No, the alphas were trying to get Isaac into trouble.

And it worked.

"Isaac, what the hell did you do?" Mr. Harris asked him angrily. Before Isaac even had a chance to explain, he added, "You'll be seeing me at lunch detention."

They all went back to class and before long, they were at break. Gracie and Scott escorted Isaac out of the room, Gracie holding onto his arm tightly so that he wouldn't lose control.

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