xxix. dead inside

Start from the beginning

Matt just shook his head and raised his gun to her head, cocking it.

"Give me your phone," he told Scott. "...or I'll blow her brains out."

"Okay, so, that was a bad idea, Gracie. Really, really bad idea," Gracie thought to herself as she stared down the barrel of the gun.

The problem with Matt demanding Scott's phone was that they had already given it to him when he first showed up. It was Stiles who was the one to remind the psycho about that. Luckily, he did so without any sarcasm, or else Gracie was sure she would have gotten a bullet to the head.

After marching Scott and Gracie back to Noah's office, he texted Allison on Scott's phone, asking her to bring the bestiary to the station.

"There," Matt threw Scott's phone back onto the desk and led him into the bullpen where the deputies usually worked. "You know, I feel sorry for you, McCall. Cause right now, you're thinking about how you're gonna explain to your mom that you healed."

Scott looked down at his wound. Blood had trickled down from beneath his stained shirt and had dripped onto his jeans as well.

"The sad part is, you don't even realize how incredible it is that you're actually healing," Matt went on. "Cause you know what happens to everyone else when they get shot? They die."

Gracie eyed him carefully, noting how he had emphasized the last word of his statement. And then she remembered their conversation at the rave. When he had told them –– through Jackson –– that people had killed him.

"You died, didn't you?" She asked, her mind racing. It took her a minute, but she thought about how he had been afraid of water until it clicked. "How did you drown?"

It made sense.

She remembered when she was younger, she had been thrown into the deep end of a pool at a slumber party, almost drowning in the process because she wasn't really a good swimmer at the time. Anyway, it was a while before she felt comfortable getting back in the water.

Matt shook his head slightly. "He shouldn't have let them drink."

"What?" Scott furrowed his eyebrows. "Who?"

"You're talking about Mr. Lahey, aren't you?" Gracie guessed. "He let the swim team drink?"

Matt nodded in confirmation. "I didn't know what was happening," he revealed. "I didn't know they had just won state and Lahey, he's letting his favorites come over to have a couple of drinks to celebrate. Who cares if they're seventeen, right?"

Scott cocked his head. "Were you at Isaac's?"

"He had this first edition Spider-Man—or was it Batman?" Matt recalled. "And we were gonna make a trade but then I went over there and I heard music. Everyone was having a good time and I saw Sean. He threw Jessica in the pool. And then—and then Bennett went in and––"

"––Bennett?" Scott interrupted. "The hunter?"

"And then Camden, Isaac's jarhead brother," Matt continued as if Scott hadn't spoken. "He grabbed me. He thought it was funny."

Gracie pressed her lips together. "He threw you in."

"I-I yelled that I couldn't swim but nobody listened. I went under and I swallowed water and no one cared," Gracie and Scott watched as tears drip down Matt's face. "I-I saw that Jessica had her hands down Sean's board shorts. Tucker's grabbing Kara. And I was drowning. I was dying and they were laughing."

The sadness, the complete devastation in Matt's tone made Gracie swallow harshly. Nothing justified him making Jackson kill these people but there was a part of her that understood. They had done something horrible to him and he wanted revenge.

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