x. invisible strings

Start from the beginning

Scott rolled his eyes at the playful smirk on Stiles' face. "Shut up."

"No, seriously," Stiles chuckled. "Do you wanna just try making out for a second? Just to see how it feels?"

Scott rolled his eyes, giving his friend a shove as they left the school, cutting out early like they had been doing a lot recently.

It was only twenty minutes later that Stiles pulled up to Boyd's house after dropping Scott off at the skating rink. He ran out of his Jeep and ran up to the house, knocking rapidly on the door.

"Hey, Boyd?" he called, tapping his knuckles against the flaking paint. "Hey, Boyd, it's Stiles!"

When there was no answer, he bent over, peeking into the window right next to the door. Unfortunately, curtains were blocking any view that he was hoping for.

He sighed and knocked on the door again before turning around, gasping when he ran into Erica. "Wow!"

Erica giggled, both of her hands behind her back. "What are you doing here, Stiles?"

"Uh, n-nothing," Stiles stammered nervously. "I was just looking for, um..."

"Boyd?" Erica guessed.

"Yeah," Stiles nodded jerkily, making sure to keep his eyes on hers. "Yes. Boyd."

"You know what you're doing right now that's kind of funny?" Erica grinned. "You're only looking in my eyes."

Stiles rubbed the back of his neck. "That's funny?"

"Well, yeah," she snickered. "...because it's the kind of look where you're trying not to look anywhere other than my eyes."

Stiles had to admit that she was right, but it was kind of hard not to be attracted to a nice pair of breasts. Erica just happened to have nice breasts that were practically popping out of the top she was wearing.

"But you want to look, don't you?" Erica went on. "You want a nice, long, hard look."

"Not really, no," Stiles said stubbornly, shaking his head as she squeezed his eyes shut.

"Oh, so it's just my eyes?"

"Yes, you have beautiful eyes," Stiles nodded, opening his eyes again.

"I have beautiful everything."

"And a new-found self-confidence," he snarked, rolling his eyes at the blonde wolf. "Congratulations, Erica. I should get going."

He went to walk around Erica but she stopped him, pressing her hand forcefully against his chest.

"You're not going anywhere," she said harshly. Stiles winced.

"Why not?" He groaned out, looking down at her hand.

Erica grinned and held up the other hand she had been holding behind her back. In it, was something that looked suspiciously like the starter in his Jeep.

"You're having car trouble."

Stiles didn't react in time when she thrust the starter at his face. It slammed against his cheekbone and he dropped to the ground, falling unconscious.

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          GRACIE'S WHOLE BODY TINGLED AS SHE WALKED DOWN BAKER STREET, following her gut. She was looking for something –– no, someone –– but she didn't know exactly who they were.

She never planned on getting involved with Scott and Derek's stand-off, even if she was in her brother's pack. She had stayed home that morning, still upset about how Stiles was treating her. She only had two friends. Well, used to have two friends.

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