With that, Peter got into his nurse's car and drove away, leaving Stiles behind with no car keys.

As Peter drove away, not giving Gracie a second glance, Stiles rushed over to her, kneeling down in front of her. He never left her side when he called 9-1-1,

giving them whatever excuse he could think of and that they needed an ambulance at. It took fifteen minutes for the ambulance to get there, and when they did, it was all a blur.

When Gracie was rushed to the emergency room, he stayed back to give a nurse some of her details. By the time he was done, he was being questioned by a deputy.

Almost an hour had passed before he went up to the trauma floor, intending to see how Gracie was doing. He ran up the stairs, not having enough patience to wait for a slow elevator, and burst onto the floor, seeing multiple police officers mulling about.

"You know what?" His father rushed over, stopping him in his tracks. "It's good that we're in a hospital, because I'm gonna kill you."

Stiles clenched his jaw and looked over his dad's shoulder, spotting Gracie in one of the trauma rooms. She was laying in the ICU with tubes down her throat connected to a ventilator. Other tubes and wires were connected to monitors and an IV. A bandage was wrapped around her neck, holding the skin that was left after Peter ripped a chunk out of her with his teeth.

There were two nurses there with her, including Melissa, which made Stiles feel better, and a doctor in surgical scrubs

"Stiles!" Noah yelled, trying to get his attention.

"I'm-I'm sorry," his son breathed, looking back at the Sheriff. "I lost the keys to my jeep, and then Gracie was attacked, so I had to wait for the ambulance--"

"--Stiles, I don't care!" His dad snapped at him, raising his voice.

"Is she gonna be okay?" Stiles asked, his voice breaking as he looked back at the brunette.

Noah's face softened hen he saw the devastated look on his son's face. He rested a hand on his shoulder in support. "I don't know. They managed to control the bleeding and gave her a blood transfusion, but it still doesn't look good."

Stiles eyes widened in horror and he froze. "What do you mean?"

"In the emergency room, her heart had stopped for for a a few minutes before they were able to revive her," Noah explained, recalling what the doctor told him. "The doctor's believe that it could've been from the blood loss. While they're doing everything they can, they're worried her brain might've not gotten enough oxygen."

"Meaning...?" Stiles had an idea of what his father meant. He just didn't want it to be true.

"She could have brain damage," his dad clarified. "They'll just have to wait to see what happens when she wakes up." Stiles shook his head, trying to process everything. "Now, Lydia, on the other hand, they're not sure about her. Partially because they don't know what attacked her."

Stiles looked into the window of Lydia's room, seeing that she had a breathing mask attached to her face. She at least looked in better condition than Gracie.

"She just got out of surgery a few minutes ago," Noah continued. "They fixed her up but something else is going on with her. The doctors say it's like she's having an allergic reaction. Her body keeps going into shock." Stiles stiffened as at his dad's words as he watched Lydia's mother sitting by her side. "Did you see anything? I mean, do you have any idea who or what attacked her?"

"No, I have no idea," Stiles shook his head and told his dad the same thing he told the deputy downstairs. "...but Gracie was attacked by an animal. I didn't see what kind, it...it all kind of happened quickly."

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