Episode 51: Hide and Seek

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It's always odd to wake up outside.

The sun is already up, the birds are chirping their morning song, and there's an air about that makes it feel like no one else in the world is up and about, making the moment feel fragile, an intimate one, between the waker and the world, something only just for them.

That isn't true, of course. The world is awake at all times, and at that moment, Daphs is awake, too. It's a chillier morning, so she's tucked properly under the duvet, her back resting against her pillows propped up over the headboard of the daybed.

Daphs wants to get up and enjoy the day, but she's also fixated by the moment; some birds are on the decking, chirping back and forth. Daphs imagines an elaborate little story between them, giving them their own little voices and names and backstories. We won't get into that, though. You know why.

With a yawn, Daphs finally gets up, her feet on the cold, shaded decking. Noah's snoring is drowning Gary's out still as Daphs switches the kettle on, feeling more tired now that she's on the go. She sits on the counter, the cold marble top filling her with regret. Daphs doesn't get off again until the kettles boiled. She makes Lucas his tea, making herself a peppermint one.

It's early enough that the lights are still off in the bedroom. Daphs is setting the tea down on their bedside cabinet when they come on, causing a communal groan about the room. Daphs sits over the space of hers and Lucas' bed, away from where he is.

He stirs with the lights coming on, covering his yawn with one hand and rubbing his eyes with the other.

"Morning," Daphs says, fingering the teas so she can act like she's putting them down only then.

He moves his thumb to peer at her with one eye. He puts his hand down, slowly blinking himself awake, sitting up, his chest facing her. "Morning," he says, his voice thick with sleep.

"I made you tea," she says. "It'll still be a bit hot."

"Oh, right, thank you," he says, reaching out for it. Daphs passes it along. He sits up some more, his back to the headboard, taking a sip. "Did you sleep all right?" He asks.

"I slept," she says, rolling over in the bed so she can lay on her back, her head on the pillow. She suppresses a yawn. "Could probably sleep some more though."

"Hey, you're the one who insisted on sleeping outside," he says, flipping the covers off himself. They very nearly flap right over Daphs.

Lucas gets out of bed, making it behind himself. "Thanks for the tea," he says, taking it with him as he heads out the back door.

Daphs puffs up her cheeks as she watches him go, passing back the air from cheek to cheek.

"Frosty morning?" Marisol asks as she gets up from the next bed over.

"It's getting chillier," Daphs replies, getting into the bed to stave off the cold.

The tiredness gets the better of her, and before she knows it, she's dozing off.

Daphs wakes up to an empty bedroom and a lukewarm tea. After a sip, she spits it back into the cup with a little, "plplplplpl," and gets herself out of bed, a mere yawn to wake her up.

She heads to the door, sticking her head out to see what she can see. Jakub is entertaining a crowd of people at the gym, mainly the girls.

Daphs spins back into the room, her dressing gown flinging open, coming off one shoulder. She makes it one step before Lucas comes into the room. His skin is glistening with moisture, his wet hair slicked back. They freeze when they spot one another.

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