Episode 73: The Master Baker

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There's no time to waste as everyone heads to the challenge area. Daphs and Bobby catch up quick enough but stay at the end of the pack.

Hope seems to have informed Lottie and Rahim already that they're judging, as they stride up to the Blind Cake judges table at once. It faces out over six trestle tables draped in bright pink tablecloths. Each table is set up with one plain sponge cake and various bowls.

Noah comes up to Daphs as everyone settles in with handcuffs and a blindfold.

"Save that for later, hun," she says.

He grins back at her. "You've got to put me in these," he says, holding up the cuffs. With a suggestive look, he adds, "Maybe we could swipe them for after the challenge."

Daphs giggles and is about to say something when Hope strides up again, standing so she just edges in between them both. "Were you filling him in, Daphs, hun?" Hope asks.

"Filling me in?" Noah asks, brows raised. He's holding out the heart-shaped blindfold to Daphs.

Hope swipes it, saying, "We're swapping partners. Bobby and Daphs are going to do this one, and that means you and me can work together. It's a great idea, right?"

"Isn't it supposed to be in our couples, though?" Noah asks.

Hope shrugs and Bobby comes over, fiddling with his handcuffs, before she can say anything.

"I don't know if these are meant to be tied behind my back or not," he says, stopping in front of Daphs. He has one hand hooked in tight and is trying to loosen it with the power of will.

"You've tied it too tight," Daphs says, bringing herself close so she can help sort him out.

"Got to, otherwise I might escape."

Daphs can't help the small snort of laughter that come out of her. She keeps trying to pry it open until Noah comes up with a tiny key.

"You two are as bad as each other," he says as he winds Bobby's wrist to him, slotting in the key.

As Daphs giggles some more, Bobby says, "Oh, Noah, you're so rugged and smart. What would I do without you?"

Noah pries open the pocket of Bobby's shorts and dumps the key inside, prompting Bobby to give a little, "Oop," before Noah turns to Daphs and says, "Don't let him lose it."

Daphs salutes, doing her worst not to grin. Hers and Bobby's faffing about means they're one of the last ones to the podiums. Daphs drags him behind the last one available, between Noah and Hope and Marisol and Graham, as she ties his wrists together. When they're in position, Bobby throws his hands around her, enclosing her in his tied-up arms.

"There," he says, pressing them together, "I'm not the only one of us trapped."

Daphs keeps on laughing, finding she's somehow just in such a giggly mood now for some reason. While she pops her blindfold on, she makes no move to get out of the Bobby-cuff.

"Islanders," Rahim says once Daphs is securely blinded, "welcome to Master Bakers. Lottie and I will be your judges today."

"You all have a cake in front of you," Lottie says, "but as you can probably already see – or not, in the girls cases, since you're all blindfolded – but the boys are all tied up. There's icing and everything to decorate your cakes with, but it's all about communication. Boys, you have to direct your girls and, girls, all you have to do is listen. You have until the end of the countdown to complete your masterpieces."

"And Lottie and I will choose the winners," Rahim concludes. "If you're ready, get set – bake!"

As the timer goes off, Lottie yells out, "Teamwork, you lot! All about teamwork!"

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