Episode 67: Afternoon Tea

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They get to a patio area secluded on either side by tall, thick shrubbery. A trestle table with two comfy garden chairs are set out and it looks like it's tea being served.

Daphs sits at the nearer chair, pulling it out for herself before Blake can. She doesn't tuck herself in, sitting as far back as she can and watching Blake the entire time as the other girl sits, tucking herself into the table halfway. Blake reads Daphs mood and is hesitant before she breaks out into a smile that comes off as a little awkward in the end.

The silence continues. Daphs doesn't move.

Blake goes to say something but stops herself.

Daphs realises she's swinging her ankle, circling her foot in the air.

"Listen ..." Blake begins, sitting forwards, "Daphs, I know things are really awkward and tense right now, but believe me when I say that that's the last thing that I want in the Villa. I think this is a really good thing, and that if we can both be grown-up about it, then we can head back to a less tense Villa, and everyone will be all the happier for it."

There's another pause before Daphs deftly says, "I won't be happy."

Blake falters. "Well ... maybe you'll be happier knowing that things between you and me aren't as bad as they were before. Like, I'm not saying we have to be friends, but if we can be on the line of civility, I think everyone would have an easier time of it."

Daphs lazily points to Blake and says, "You mean you will have an easier time – if I let go of any 'negativity' I'm harbouring about the situation." Daphs leans her head to the side, adding quickly, "The situation being that you went behind my back with the man I was in a relationship with, the man that you know that I'm in love with. You mean, if I can let go of that. Having just found out about it last night, yeah." Daphs nods along sarcastically throwing on, "Yeah, I can see why that would make you more comfortable."

Blake looks like she's chewing on several different things at once as she stares back at Daphs. "Like I said, I don't expect us to be best friends or anything –"

"Oh, really, do you not?" Daphs asks, unable to stop herself. "Have I done something personally, like?"

There's another pause as Blake genuinely looks to be struggling. "I understand why you don't like me, but do you not think that a lot of this should be directed at Lucas? He is the one you were in a relationship with, after all. Like, we didn't know each other before last night, so do I really owe you anything?"

Daphs nods in understanding, her expression not changing. "Yeah, this has been directed to Lucas, and it'll be directed to him again, I have no doubt. The only reason I'm talking to you now though, is because I have to. So, yeah, I'll say what I think and how I feel, and you can sit there and listen and be uncomfortable and I'll bet it's still nowhere near as horrible as I felt last night walking in on my own to see you stood there with the boy I love when I was expecting him to be alone. Like, is it getting into your head now? Am I getting through, or do you still have high hopes that I'm going to be the biggest person in the world and do something completely unthinkable and actively make your life easier by giving you my blessing to crack on with Lucas?"

Daphs throws Blake a look making it clear she thinks Blake is stupid. Cause Blake is stupid. And so is Lucas. Dickhead.

"I'm not asking for your permission," Blake says, getting a little terse herself now. "At the end of the day, Lucas and I are adults. We'll be respectful, but we don't need anyone's blessing."

"Like you said," Daphs nods along succinctly, "you don't own me anything, right? To you, I'm just some girl your boy has been coupled up with since he got here; I'm just some girl he's been sharing a bed with almost his entire journey; I'm just some girl that he's made a mug of, and you've played no part in it, yeah? Cause you don't owe me anything."

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