Episode 124: Prom Night

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I added an additional little scene at the end of the last episode if you want to check it out before continuing here.

While getting ready for prom, the taste of perfume settles on Daphs tongue as soon as she opens her mouth. "Bleugh," she says, scraping her tongue with her teeth.

"It's strange, isn't it, babes?" Chelsea asks as she cements her two little buns at the sides of her head, brushing her fingers through the loose strands she's kept down. "There's only four of us here now, but it still feels like the room is full."

"I love how it feels that way," Lottie adds with a smile as she holds a bottle of spray up. She spritzes a whole cloud out until the room smells of pineapples. "It's like all our friends are still with us on the last bit of the journey. See, this is like Priya's presence!"

Hope holds up a poker chip. "Look what I found!"

"That must have been Shannon's," Lottie remarks.

Daphs is just trying to work out who Shannon was as Hope says, "I'm going to keep it for luck."

"I wish I had that shirt she used to wear. I always felt like I could rock that."

"I'm still finding Marisol's empty coffee cups all over the shop," Daphs says as she brushes out her curls, making sure they're going to stay in place all evening. She isn't finding those cups, but she says it just to move beyond the Shannon conversation.

To Daphs surprise, Hope points over at her, and declares, "You think you've got them all, and then you lift up a pile of clothes and there's another one."

"I love that we all have this space to get all our stuff mixed up together," Chelsea sighs. "It feels like a proper little family. I'm well going to miss it."

Daphs gets hit with a sudden thought that makes her wobble. "Do you think this is the last time we're going to do this?"

All their faces go long. "It might be," Lottie says. "Tomorrow is the final."

Hope wipes a tear from her eye. "I can't believe this is it. I have to say, girls, I'm really glad I got to go on this journey with you all. I really do love you guys."

That's it, and all the girls fall into each other for a group hug and a million declarations of love.

"Tonight is our last night in the Villa together," Chelsea says, resting her head on Daphs shoulder. Daphs leans against her. "Our last party."

"Well, we better go make sure it's a good one," Hope says, smiling now.

"You're right. Let's get out there and make this the best night ever."

And once they're done, the girls are directed into the empty bedroom. The lads are outside waiting for them already. Like usual, the girls are to go out one by one to reveal themselves while the boys wait in a line at the firepit for them.

Chelsea heads out first, giving Daphs an excited squeeze of their hands. Then, Lottie is next, leaving Daphs and Hope. Up next is Daphs. She does her best to put her nerves at ease, focusing on her excitement at seeing Bobby and having him see her.

The whole garden is decorated with even more lights than usual, with flowers upon flowers strewn everywhere, and a lovely arch set up in the centre, eight garden chairs pointing towards it. Daphs eyes flit passed it all as she spots the other's.

Daphs notices Noah first, standing tall in the centre. He's looks amazing, and so handsome in his three-piece suit that Daphs can hardly believe it. Is that the type of thing he would wear to his wedding?

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