Episode 15: Part Two

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The three of them make their way downstairs, Priya's heel clanging out of sight when they get to the bedroom. They don't have long to go before they hear Lottie and Priya at it some more in the kitchen this time around.

As Daphs rounds the corner, she spots Bobby and Gary watching Priya and Lottie wide-eyed. They've both got sandwiches in varying states of display in front of them along with a can of beer each.

"Honestly, Priya, leave me alone!" Lottie shouts, raking through the pantry, pulling out a bottle of red.

"Woah, what is happening?" Gary asks like he's a little afraid to hear the answer. Daphs catches Bobby's eye, but neither of them manages to smile at one another.

"Priya, that's what," Lottie says, turning to the boys with the saddest pout on her face. It inexplicably fills Daphs with rage.

"There you go again!" Priya says, sighing exasperatedly. "Straight up blaming me to make yourself out to be the victim when we all know you're the one who can't go two minutes without getting salty."

Lottie does look sad and almost tearful, but Daphs is aware that that's the first time the whole night she's shown vulnerability – and also when they appeared around the boys.

Bobby makes his way to Daphs side, his sandwich forgotten and his can in hand, and he quietly asks Daphs, "Are you involved in this or can we chat?"

Again, Daphs feels a spike of anger. She isn't sure if it's a dig or not and would like to think it was just poor wording on Bobby's part, but she also wants to think he'd be a bit more aware than that. Maybe she's being too hard on him after the day they had had, or maybe she 's being too sensitive, so she gives him the benefit of the doubt.

Daphs lets her gaze trickle off him and to nothing in particular as she said, "I think all the girls are a little involved in it."

Daphs is involved, and had been actively participating before it became a more one-on-one between Lottie and Priya, but since Bobby had worded the question with a slight accusation, she doesn't feel like she can be truthful without possibly disappointing Bobby and putting him on the defensive on Lottie's side.

"Don't act like you weren't having a go upstairs, Daphs!" Lottie shouts. "You and her both having a go at me when I've done nothing wrong!"

Daphs doesn't dare look at Bobby. She can't. Instead, she fixes Lottie with a warning look.

"Stop acting like you've done no wrong when we all know you've had this coming!" Priya hops in.

Bobby drapes an arm around Daphs shoulders. "I don't think everyone ganging up is the best way to go about it, but have you actually listened to what they girls are saying, Lottie?"

Daphs almost feels stunned. Bobby has her close into him, making it known, making it public, he is on her side, no matter what's happening. Lottie looks almost as shocked as Daphs feels.

The rush Daphs feels for Bobby is immense. She rests her head against him as he adds, "Go on, Priya."

Gary holds up a hand and says, "What's happened? What's Lottie actually done?"

Priya rounds on him, her face twisted in astonishment. "You're saying you haven't noticed? All her salty little comments to me and Daphs and Marisol whenever we do or say anything?"

"I just tell it like it is, babes," Lottie says.

"You were there at the beanbags when Noah came down earlier," Priya says to Gary. "You heard all the stuff she was saying about Daphs and her relationship with Bobby, and I know that isn't the first time Lottie's said stuff about that in front of you, Gary, and considering all I have to do around Lottie before she makes a comment is to breathe, I can't see how you can't be aware of that either. I honestly can't believe I have to justify this. It's not like she hasn't been giving you grief about picking Marisol over Hannah."

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