Episode 118: Ocean Breezy

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Bobby won the dinner, but as it's free anyway, he lets Daphs off with it.

They bundle into a jeep not long after Hope and Noah leave, with the sun having already passed its peak. It takes them to the beach, but somewhere different to where they've been before.

The sky is already bleeding out a beautiful pink/orange glow from the sunset by the time they arrive at the empty beach; the water is the same colour, making the whole world look like a dream.

Daphs takes her heels off as they stray into the sand, feeling it beneath her feet as she takes Bobby's hand. They stroll along down to the shore, both of them smiling from cheek to cheek.

The breeze keeps them cool and the sound of the ocean and the birds just completes it. Daphs has never had a date at the beach, had never even thought about it before. It's always about the fun when she thinks up a date, never really considering the romance that can be captured from it.

As they stand together at the shore, the cold water lapping over their bare feet, Daphs wraps her arms around Bobby's shoulder, giving herself the best view she can in a moment surrounded by profound beauty. He beams back her like all the sunsets in the world can't compare.

"Perfect," he says. "I guess this is it. The final date ... I can't believe we've made it this far."

"I've said for ages how being with you is like winning already, so I wouldn't have minded had we ended up leaving at any point," she replies, wanting to place her head on his chest to hear his heart beating, but resisting so she doesn't have to stop gazing into his eyes, "but I'm glad we're still here. I'm glad we get to have this day together. I'm happier than ever just being with you."

"I can't believe we've been, like, abroad for our entire relationship and this is the first time we've gone to the beach together," he says, taking her hand.

He leads them down the shore towards a boat named the S.S. Salmon. Out on the horizon, Daphs spots a gazebo floating in the ocean with a picnic set for two.

Bobby stops in his tracks. "Oh, wow," he says, blinking in the sight, "I didn't notice all that." He lets out a shy chuckle, turning to her to admit, "This will sound proper melty, but I was too busy looking at you."

Daphs chuckles alongside him. "I'm the same."

"Yeah, but this looks pretty perfect for our last date of the summer," he says, grinning back at her. He leads her closer to where the boat is floating not too far ashore. "We've gotta sail the boat out there first."

"How are we going to do this then?" Daphs asks as the water comes up to her ankles. She's opted for a longer skirt with slits up the thighs, to bundle the fabric up if necessary.

Bobby grins. "Want a piggyback ride to the boat? Just so you don't get wet..."

Daphs looks at his shorts. They'll for sure show how wet they get, and will no doubt take forever to dry. She doesn't really want Bobby to be uncomfortable in soaking wet clothes for the rest of their date.

"How about I give you one?" She asks instead, grinning back at him.

He laughs. "Aye, go on, but I don't know if I trust this not to end in disaster."

"I promise not to drop you," she grins, already gearing herself up for it.

He shakes his head, but steps round behind her. Daphs pauses to collect up her skirt, folding it up and tucking the end in her waistband to keep the ends dry.

"That's some look," Bobby chuckles, one hand on her shoulder.

"I'm saving my dignity."

"Good job."

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