Episode 112: It Could Only Be You

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There's a buzz of excitement in the dressing room. It's hard not to when everyone knows this is it. The boy they choose tonight it the boy they end the show with. There's no bittersweet to it; it's all confetti.

"I don't think I've ever been this excited about a recoupling before," Chelsea says as she's in the midst of curling her hair, "but I also don't think I've ever been this nervous. This decision could affect the entire rest of my journey in here. Our choice tonight could be reason we're the next ones sent home."

"Thanks for that reminder, Chels," Hope frowns as she applies her gloss.

Chelsea sighs wistfully, looking at Daphs. "It would be so much easier if I were like you and in love."

Daphs can't help the grin that spreads onto her face as she thinks about Bobby. "It does make it easier. I can't even think about having anyone else."

"Really?" Lottie says, but it's so quick, such a little bark, and she's not even looking at Daphs, that Daphs just decides to ignore it. It's most likely driving Lottie mad to think Daphs can't be bothered with her.

"You two are just like that Ryan Gosling movie where the woman gets old and forgets her husband," Chelsea says, sighing wistfully again as she lets her curl loose.

"The Notebook?" Hannah asks, confused.

"How is it anything like The Notebook?" Hope asks, brows fusing together as she does the math.

"They both love each other, don't they?" Chelsea frowns, furrowing her own brows.

With a roll of her eyes, Hope turns to Daphs. "Knowing you're with someone that cares about you makes all the difference," she says. "We're definitely some of the luckier girls in here."

Lottie coughs pointedly.

"You too, Lottie," Hope adds coolly. "You and Gary must be excited."

"So long as there aren't any surprises..." she remarks, not looking at them.

"Have you two made up, then?" Hannah asks Lottie.

Lottie doesn't look round as she answers, "We're speaking."

"Well, anyway!" Chelsea says, flapping her hands about some more. "That's just what I'm looking for, Hope," Chelsea says. "Someone who's really into me. And fit."

"And that would be Mickey, right? He's barely had eyes for anyone else since he stepped foot in here," Hannah says, brushing against her blush brush a little viciously.

"Yeah, but it's about more than just that ... I want ... no, I need someone who really – who just has it all, you know? I guess, yeah, I guess that's what I'm looking for."

Daphs nods. "The perfect man? That's who you're saying you need."

Chelsea's eyes widen. "Wouldn't it just make everything so much easier?"

"So ... are you thinking Lucas or Mickey could be more along the lines of the perfect man, Chels?" Hope asks, almost a little awkwardly.

"For sure one of them!"


"I'd for sure pick Mickey," Lottie says. "I don't know why you're all so gaga over some posh pecs when Mickey is right there."

"I mean, I love Lucas, but he's not who I would pick," Hope says, screwing her brows together in concentration.

Many an eyebrow is raised at that. "Out of Lucas and Mickey, or the boys in general?" Lottie asks. "You and Lucas have always been closer, so this is a surprise."

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