Episode 54: Cupcakegate

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Daphs and Lucas get up to no good again during the night. They seem to be the only ones, as when they're done, Lottie's voice rings out loudly in the dark, "I miss when you two went away to the Hideaway."

Sounds of tired laughter follow as Lucas pulls Daphs into his arms, a faded laugh on his lips. He presses them against her ear and whispers, "I miss it, too."

Daphs turns her head to kiss him, wanting to whisper those sweet, sweet words for the first time. But. In the middle of the room with everyone are didn't feel to special for the first time.

Unlike when they had sex.

Daphs turns in the bed again, holding his arm in place around her, propping her bare ass against his front. He pushes against her with a wiggle. Things got a little tamer back in the room with the others, though that's also due to Daphs still feeling like she's been spilt in two ... Daphs is gearing herself for the next round, the thought alone getting her excited.

When the lights blare on come morning, Daphs turns back to Lucas, burying her face in his chest. She feels his hand coming to his face, rubbing his eyes.

She doesn't get to rest too much as Lucas reaches under the duvet, doing his best not to shove her off as he did so, and pulls his boxers back on. Probably a good idea. He reaches over the side of the bed, picking up his discarded vest, too.

Next thing Daphs knows, he's urging her up, wordlessly signalling for her to let him put the vest on her. She does so, relaxing into it at once. The smell is purely him; it makes her heart beat a little faster, the feeling in her chest warm, and her wet between the legs.

"Still sleepy?" He asks with a kiss to her head as she snuggles into him some more.

"A lil bit," she mumbles, thinking about how nice it is to wake up in his arms.

He kisses her again. "You stay in bed, I'm going to make you breakfast," he says, untangling himself from her before getting up.

Daphs watches him go with one eye open. She's not left to herself for long before Priya bounds over and dives into the bed beside her.

"How did you sleep?" Daphs asks, cuddling her.

"It was all right," Priya says. "Being near Noah and his snoring isn't the best, but we soldier on."

Daphs looks up to raise an eyebrow at her.

Pretending not to notice her look, Priya silkily asks, "Did you enjoy your night last night?"

A grin spreads over Daphs face, but before she can get into it, Chelsea hops into bed on her other side.

"Ooh, are we talking dirty?" Chelsea says, looking comfortable, but not cuddling in like the other two. "Honestly, I knew you weren't shy before coming in here, Daphs, but I love how you just don't care! You know what you want, and you just go for it!"

"That's my girl," Priya says, hugging Daphs so strongly they start swaying.

"So, what exactly did you and Lucas get up to last night?"

Daphs blushes. "Well, nothing like the night before," she says, lying on her back so no one's left out of the conversation, "but it was ... there was plenty going on."

"Yeah, we established that last night," Marisol says, clambering onto the bottom of the bed. "You two can't keep your hands off each other?"

"You can hardly blame them, right?" Chelsea says, wrapping her arms around Daphs neck. "You two are both so gorgeous! You're for sure the best-looking couple in here!"

"Well, that's subjective," Lottie says, as she gets to her feet from the next bed over.

"Oh, come on, everyone here is drop dead gorgeous, but Lucas and Daphs? I mean, seriously!"

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