Episode 58: We Hardly Knew Ye

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The first thought Daphs has as she's awoken by the sounds of birdsong is a simple 'ooh'; the bright morning sun greets her as she delicately opens her eyes, feeling sweltering under the duvet despite being naked. Daphs turns over, rolling into Lucas to cuddle him awake. The small mustering of movement amplifies the reminders of their lack of precautions the night before, her ass feeling a little like it is on fire. She cocks one leg over Lucas, rubbing the heel of her hand against her cheeks to stifle a little of the pain.

She stops when Lucas begins to stir. He rubs his eyes with the heel of his hands like he knows what Daphs is doing and is subconsciously rubbing it in her face. When he peels his eyes open properly, he spies her at once, sleepily greeting her, "Good morning, my darling."

She kisses him on the cheek. "Good morning, handsome. Sleep okay?"

He groans sleepily, rolling onto his side and hugging her tight. He kisses her all over her head, stopping to say, "I was with you. What more could I ask for?"

"Less midges?"

"Okay, yeah, I could ask for that, yeah."

Daphs laughs, kissing him lovingly some more.

"It's so much more peaceful out here than in the bedroom," he says, his voice still a little thick with tiredness. "We should spend all morning in bed."

As they cuddle up close, propping themselves up with cushions, they lay there contently looking out over the garden in their own little bubble of peace.

"I can't remember the last time I got to laze about like this," he says, his hands strumming along her back. "I never get the time. My shifts tend to start pretty early. There's usually a lot of patients to get through. You'd be surprised how many people need physiotherapy."

"I'd go for the cute doctor," Daphs grins, giving him a smacker-o on the lips.

He grins back at her. "I don't sleep in on my days off, either. It would mess up the routine."

"You never sleep in?" Daphs says, a little shocked. "That's not going to work out for me making you breakfast in bed on your days off."

He lets out a small chuckle. "Maybe I can make an exception for someone so exceptionally cute."

Daphs grins, cuddling him a little tighter. She doesn't even mind how sore her butt is anymore.


For breakfast, Daphs is eating some pineapple that Bobby has sliced up. She and Priya are sat on the stools in the kitchen, sunglasses on and in their bikini's already, as Bobby stands the other side of the counter, dressed and sunglasses-ed, too.

Daphs sits a little stiffly despite the cushion she has underneath her.

"Daphs, you've got a look on your face like you're contemplating life, so tell me, whatcha thinking about?" Bobby asks, leaning his elbows on the counter.

Daphs takes a second to respond, sucking on a piece of pineapple before swallowing it. "So, you know that scene in Scary Movie 3, when the sheriff is talking to Charlie Sheen about something, and after every cut, her hat gets inexplicably a little bit bigger until she can't get in her car properly? Just that."

Priya is laughing quietly into her hands.

"Do you think there's, like, a metaphor for Island life in there?" Bobby asks with a serious look of sarcasm.

"In all honesty, Bobby, probably not," Daphs tells him. She skewers a pineapple chunk onto the end of her fork and sends it to him. He eats it off her fork without question. "Were you thinking anything, my dear?" Daphs asks of him back, resting her chin in her palm as she looks at him, her head tilting.

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