Episode 100: You Could be the One

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The Islanders are on the decking sofa, chatting about clones.

"Could you imagine two of Bobby, though?" Rahim asks, shaking his head.

"You can't recreate perfection," Bobby tells him categorically.

"But that's the whole point, it's a clone. He'd be exactly like you in every way."

"Calm down now, Rahim," Bobby smirks, amusement in his voice. "Not in every way..." He casts a wink at Daphs who's laying down facing the group on her stomach. Chelsea is sat straddling her back.

Daphs winks back at him, imagining just what she could get up to with two Bobby's...

As he flashes Daphs back a grin, Lucas asks, "Why are we even talking about cloning Bobby anyway?"

"Because in an ideal world more than one of these lucky ladies would be able to couple up with all of this," Bobby says, posing and pouting for their entertainment. Daphs holds back a laugh, covering her mouth with her hand. His eyes light up her way as Hope smacks him on the shoulder.

"Stop it!" She scolds, holding a hand over her mouth, too. "I'm eating!"

"OMG, what if the clone tried to take over your life?" Chelsea asks, her hands flinging off Daphs back. "I mean, how would you know who was the original?"

"Tell them something about yourself that no one else knows," Noah suggests.

Bobby doesn't hold back and tells them, "When I was seven, I wet myself at a friend's birthday party. I had to spend the rest of the party in one of her dresses."

"Bobby," Lucas says at once, brows furrowing, "do you ever think about sometimes, just not talking?"

As Bobby laughs it off, Gary says, "You've worn a kilt before though, haven't you, Bobbo?"

"Yeah, I had no problem with it," he shrugs. "The girl whose dress it was, that's a different story. Anyway, a clone would never know that about me."

"I think I'd have some kind of safety word," Lottie says.

"A safety word? I bet you would," Gary winks at her.

"Couldn't you tell from a secret birthmark or beauty spot?" Chelsea asks.

"It's a clone," Lucas says. "I'd have all the same birthmarks you had."

"Oh yea..."

"Daphs, what do you think?" Bobby asks. "Best way to spot a clone?"

"I don't know we're all assuming a clone wouldn't have all the same knowledge as you," Daphs says. "A code word or security question wouldn't work if they knew everything you knew. The keyword is clone."

"Spoilsport," Bobby grins at her.

"Fine, then, maybe a security question."

Noah eyes her, saying, "It's the best idea."

"Okay, so security question," Chelsea says, "Daphs, what is the square route of pi?"

"Three point one four," she replies.

"I was going to say apple," Bobby says.

From the sun loungers, Hannah calls over, "Guys! I've got a text!"

Everyone is milling around the bottom of the garden anyway, so no one needs to rush over, and everyone sits still where they are.

"Urgh," Chelsea says, slumping her butt back against Daphs, "please don't let it be a physical challenge. I'd rather just have a Bobbyfish and lie by the pool."

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