Episode 3: Truth or Dare

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Everyone is milling around the sunbeds. Half of everyone is standing so that no one is left out of the group, but Daphs thinks that it only makes it look even more crowded. As she approaches with Lottie, Daphs asks, "So, no one's found the frozen margarita's yet?"

"We were waiting for you, Daphs," Noah said from all the way up where he was.

"Ooh, we're on the same page now," Lottie said, nudging playfully into Daphs.

Gary claps his hands together once. "Time to kick back in the sunshine and have a drink, guys." Gary spots a table with booze. He heads straight for it. There's champagne and ten flutes set out already. "Bit fancier than I'm used to, but I can make it work." He pops the cork; the sound could be heard all the way across the lawn.

"Amazing," Hope says, her eyes rolling up. She and Noah are still holding onto one another; the only couple who are next to each other at all. "That sound never gets old."

"I love the first part of a new adventure," Rocco begins, drawing the eyes of the Islanders, "I remember a time when I'd taken my van down to the Adriatic coast, there were about ten other of us, and we all met at this tiny cocktail bar –"

Gary cuts in to say, "Sounds like a great story, mate, but do you want one of these or not?"

"Why don't you boys all go and sort out drinks for us, and we girls can have a little catch up, yeah?" Hope suggests, taking the seat that Rocco just vacated.

"Good suggestion, Hope. Go on then, boys, we're getting thirsty here," Lottie says.

As the boys trail off, Daphs whispers so only the girls' could hear, "Is that because you need something down your throat or something down your throat?"

The girls' explode into thunderous laughter, loudest of which being Lottie. Hannah covers her mouth, but laughs along, too. "Yes, yes, yes!" Hope chants as Lottie side-hugs Daphs and says, "Oh, I love this girl so much. We're going to be such best friends in here, I swear."

Rocco turns back whilst everyone settles in. "Daphs, do you wanna come give us all a hand?"

Before Daphs can reply, Hope holds out a hand and puts it on Daphs arm. "Oh my god, you could literally go and find out the goss for us."

"Yeah, go, do it," Lottie says, urging Daphs back up, "I'll let the girls know what you said earlier," she finishes with a wink.

"Well, looks like I ain't got much choice then, I guess," Daphs says good-naturedly with her arms out in a half shrug. Daphs leaves with cheers and well wishes from the girls behind her. As she approaches the boys, she swishes her hair behind her.

Noah is taking charge of pouring while Bobby hands over his untouched drink to Daphs with a look. A surge runs through her; all the way to her heart, her stomach, and then some. Up close, Bobby is even better looking.

"So, you didn't fancy chatting to the girls, then?" Rocco says, cutting in on Daphs other side.

"Just looking to get to know everyone," Daphs says innocently. "I learnt a bit about the girls beforehand, but haven't really got to know any of you, besides Rocco that is."

"Probably know more about him than you'd like," Gary says with a grin as Rocco frowns back at him.

"Go on then, Daphs, what do you want to know?" Noah says, his eyes still firmly concentrating on pouring the drinks without spilling. His pouring is firm and uncompromising.

Without skipping a beat, Daphs asks, "How does everyone feel in their couples? Honest answers only."

There's a flurry of snort-like laughter. "You don't beat about the fucking bush, do you?" Gary says admirably. "Let's just say, I don't blame you for coming over and talking to us." His eyes dart to where the girls are huddled together. "Hannah's already winding me up."

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