Episode 91: Sixteen in a Bed

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Daphs knows Bobby is going to come over and talk to her, but Daphs doesn't feel all too much like it, so she slinks away before he gets the chance to come over.

With a couple of empty glasses in hand, Daphs dumps them by the sink before she spins to leave the kitchen, heading inside. Daphs gets to the door when a soft voice calls out after her.

"Daphs?" Kitty says, at the other end of the patio, looking tentative, like she's waiting for Daphs to give her the go ahead before she comes closer.

"Hey," Daphs says, waiting for it.

Kitty steps lightly down the patio, her heels barely making a sound on the concrete. "Do you want to talk? I can understand if you don't, or if you'd rather speak to Bobby first or something..."

"Er," Daphs stalls. She thinks about it, but no thoughts actually come to mind. With a lick to her lips, she says, "Yeah, that's fine. Is the roof terrace okay?"

"That's fine, Daphs."

Neither of them says a word the entire way up. Daphs grabs a blanket from the living room first, feeling like she needs something to wrap around herself for this.

They sit in silence, Daphs unable to really look at Kitty.

"Listen, I am sorry you found out that way," Kitty begins. "You and Bobby are practically boyfriend and girlfriend, so I know it must have been a shock to see that without even knowing it had happened. I really, truly thought he must have told you by now everything that happened with us. That little 'film' didn't show the half of it, honestly."

Daphs still can't look at Kitty. The lump in her throat is dry and has a twin sitting in her chest, making it sore to breathe.

"What really went on?" Daphs asks at once. She looks at Kitty, but her gaze flicks off again.

"Really, what you saw, hun. After Bobby and I slept together the first time, he came to tell me it hadn't meant anything, and he was sorry it had happened, and he shouldn't have let it get to far. That was before he told you anything. He and Marisol had had a conversation before all of that where she told him that he needed to end things with me first and be clear that it was a mistake before that conversation with you happened, otherwise you wouldn't take him back. It very much felt and looked like Bobby cut things off with me to placate you before you even knew.

"The next few days were a mess. Bobby came to me more than once to talk about the possibility of us now he'd lost you but looking back it was very much like he was keeping me sweet without committing to anything.

Daphs eyes slam shut at that last bit.

"I didn't come back in here to get Bobby – for myself or for revenge," Kitty continues. "My opinion now is that he's a stupid boy who didn't care that his actions were hurting me. That's it. Like I told him, I didn't pick him for my date, the public wanted to see it."

"I'm really sorry that he hurt you," Daphs says, holding back how upset she is.

It's unbelievable. Her Bobby isn't like that. He isn't that kind of guy. How can this have happened and Daphs hadn't known?

"You don't need to apologise for what he did," Kitty says. "I just think you should be on your guard that he isn't the perfect guy that he's lead you to believe. I learnt that lesson the hardest way I could have."

The door slides open, loudly bringing their conversation to a halt. Bobby steps out next moment, looking a little startled to find them both there.

"Oh, sorry – didn't realise you two were talking. I was looking for Daphs, but I can come back?" He says, pointing his thumb behind him. He looks at Daphs, but his eyes flicker to Kitty every second moment.

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