Episode 33: The Refusal

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Warning: This chapter contains pain.

The other boys chant out 'Text!' for long enough that everyone gets the picture. Daphs and Lucas get up and make their way over. Rocco is already reading the text out as they power walk up.

"Islanders, tonight you must all make an important decision," he reads out and already everyone's faces are dropping. "Each couple must secretly vote for the two couples they think are the least compatible. The couples with the most votes will be at risk from being dumped from the Island."

Daphs stomach sinks. Her hold on Lucas' hand tightens.

"Well, what a fucking way to ruin such a good day," Gary says glumly. "Come on, Lots, we've got a lot to talk through..." he goes to Lottie, putting his arm around her shoulders.

"Guys, try and remember the only way to do this is fairly," Noah says as he and Hope head to the firepit. "New couples aren't less compatible because they've not had as much time."

Noah doesn't look at Daphs as he says it, but she feels like he's talking about her and Lucas.

With a sad expression, Lucas turns to Daphs. "This isn't going to be nice..." he says, leading her over to the sun loungers where they sit next to each other. He puts his arm around her as she takes her phone out, ready to send the text with their votes on it.

"So, we should probably talk through the couples, then," Daphs says, staring off into nothing.

"It feels pretty two-faced, but I suppose everyone's doing the same..." He sighs. "Could we vote Hope and Noah? They're probably the most solid, but what do you make of it?"

Daphs feels a hint of something in the way he asks it. So casual yet prying. "They're a good couple, no matter what those tweets said today. Anyone who says differently can paint us with the same brush."

He nods. "Marisol and Rocco?"

"I think they're a good match," Daphs says simply. "Having got to know everyone in here, I honestly think they're more suited to each other than they are anyone else in here. I'm ruling them out completely."

"Can you say the same for Lottie and Gary? After today it's fair to say they're two peas in a very confrontational pod."

Daphs can't help but smirk a little. "They might not be my favourite people in here, but you can't deny that there isn't something there. So, Priya and Ibrahim?"

"Yeah, I've not spoken to Priya much, but Ibrahim dotes on her. They look great together. They might not be the strongest couple, though. I think he definitely likes her more than she likes him."

Daphs says nothing.

She's about to move on to the next couple but realises it's Bobby and Kitty. She can feel the blood draining from her face as she realises that out of everyone, they are the only couple not linked romantically. Not for lack of trying from Kitty, Daphs is sure, but Bobby's been clear enough on his part that Daphs has no doubt in her mind they don't stand a chance.

"I hate to be the one to bring it up," Lucas says awkwardly, "but I think they obvious vote is Bobby and Kitty, and I'm not saying that because I want rid of him. If we're being fair –"

"I'm not voting for Bobby."

"Daphs, I don't think you can play favourites –"

Daphs put a hand firmly on his knee. "I'm. Not. Voting. For Bobby."

He pauses, his expression indiscernible. "You aren't voting for Bobby, you'd be voting for Bobby and Kitty as a couple –"

Waving a hand dismissively through the air, she cuts him off. "I don't care who that boy is coupled up with. I'll put our names down before I put him at risk. Call me what you want: game-player, snake, say that I'm only looking out for my own interests, I don't care. You can't make me vote to get rid of Bobby."

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