Episode 104: Screwed

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Daphs lays there, jaw hanging open, not knowing how to take that news in the slightest.

"Yeah," is all Bobby manages to say after the revelation.

Bobby ... and Noah ... kissed ... right there.

"Fuck," Daphs says with a sharp intake of breath. Should she be mad or turned on about it? God, she needs answers. "I mean ... okay, how did that happen?"

He hums and haughs for a bit, not looking at her. "So ... you were there, Daphs. I fell asleep with you in my arms, in front of me, just us under that blanket. You were lovely and naked and warm and sexy, and I woke up very horny because of all that. And you were there, and I knew you were there because I felt you and ..." he huffs. "You were there. So, I kissed you. I kissed you hard, I went full on –"

The memory makes him twitch in her hand again. It sends a surge through Daphs.

"And I opened my eyes, and it was fucking Noah there," Bobby finishes like he still can't quite believe it. "Listen," Bobby says, his tone serious as he turns to face her, "I know why I was doing it. Because I thought it was you." He smiles sardonically. "And I've been thinking about it, and the only thing I can think of why he was kissing me back so much, because he was, is because he thought I was you."

Daphs heart skips a beat. Being turned on is no longer an option. Somehow, despite Daphs not having kissed anyone, she is the one in the danger zone.

"I wouldn't have kissed him," she says at once, her face dropping.

"Yeah, sure," he says dismissively, "but he thought he was kissing you. I'm sure of it, Daphs. I didn't say anything at the time because I had other stuff on my mind, but don't think I didn't catch that he had crawled under that blanket next to you when he knew you had nothing on underneath."

She searches his eyes, willing him to not be angry at her.

Daphs is now so uncomfortable, she doesn't know what else to do to break the tension but ask something a little inappropriate.

"Did you use tongues?"

He stares back at her incredulously, lips parted. "I knew you would be like this," he tuts. Daphs does her utmost to keep her face straight as Bobby flops down on his back next to her, arms crossed moodily across his chest.

"Hey, do you want me to go off my tits that you just admitted to kissing someone else, or do you want to take advantage of the fact that I think it's really hot?"

His eyes narrow. He mumbles, but Daphs doesn't catch it. She pushes up against his side, her face into his neck, and licks up from his collarbone to his ear, but before she can get any further ... she's laughing.

"Sttttoooooppp," Bobby draws it out, eyes rolling up as his head pushes lower into the pillow.

Daphs is giggling even more, her face completely submerged into his side.

"Did you use tongues?" She asks again, sitting up properly on her side, head perched in her hand, looking at him with a twinkle in her eye.

Bobby pauses, staring stilly at her. He nods once, nearly cracking a smile. Nearly.

"That's really hot," she tells him, breathily.

"Don't objectify me, Daphs. We've had this conversation before," he says, matter-of-factly, but as he does, he loosens up, spooning her into his arms.

Daphs rubs her hand up his dick, bringing herself up to kiss him on the lips. It's hard, it's heavy, and it's hot. Daphs gets up over his lap, and brings him into her, sitting down over his dick.

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