Episode 6: Two Truths and a Lie

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Later in the afternoon, Daphs has found herself out on the beanbags with Lottie, Hannah, Marisol, Bobby, Rocco, Gary, and Noah.

"People create powerful memories through scent," Hannah says, continuing on the current conversation from her beanbag between Bobby and Lottie.

"Has anyone else been smelling pineapple?" Noah asks, himself between Lottie and Daphs.

Rocco perks up from between Daphs and Marisol, "I've smelled coconut, personally."

"It's gotta be someone's sun cream," Gary suggests, between Marisol and Bobby. He leans to Marisol and sniffs before turning away laughing at her confused expression.

"I could smell it in the dressing room earlier," Hannah says, "I thought it was body spray."

"Sometimes," Daphs says, trying to close the mystery before it could go any further, "there are more smells than one. It could just be that."

"Whoever smelt it, dealt it," Lottie mumbles. She's lying back, soaking up the sun, like she's only half-in the conversation. Gary laughs from the other side of the beanbag circle. It almost drowns out the familiar noise, but not quite.

Hannah reaches for her phone, then proudly announces, "I've got a text!"

The other Islanders come running to the circle as Hannah strikes an elegant pose, doing the most while she has all eyes on her. "'Islanders,'" she reads, "'it's time for 'Two Truths and a Lie!' Each of you will list three facts about yourselves with two being true and one being a lie. The other Islanders must guess which one is the lie to win. Hashtag, hidden depths, hashtag truths emerge.' I love that!"

"I hate this game," Ibrahim mutters. "I can never read people."

"Stick with Marisol," Daphs says. Noah offers Daphs a hand up, which she quietly accepts. "She's great at reading people, I bet she's going to nail this challenge."

"It's all that law school training," Noah adds as the other Islanders tumble around them to the firepit.

Marisol made her way over as soon as she heard her name. She comes to a stop before them and says, "Yeah, I'm not worried about the challenge. Stick with me, Rahim."

Rahim nods and bites his lip. "All right, I'll do that Marisol."

He and Marisol walk by side-by-side, with Marisol giving Daphs an appreciative smile as she goes.

"How do you think you're going to do?" Noah asks as he and Daphs trail behind everyone else. "Do you think you've got a good read on people?"

"That would be telling," Daphs replies, unsure what else to say. "Though if I'm doing rubbish, do you think you could help me out?"

He smiles but doesn't look at her. "I'll give you a tip just now: I've always wanted a pet snake."

"Oooh, intriguing," Daphs replies with a hair swoosh. "I used to have a bearded dragon. I named her Daphne because I wanted a twin sister when I was younger."

"You know, twins don't usually share the same first name?"

"One of them doesn't usually have a tail, either, but we make do."

Gary's voice cuts through the rest as he loudly proclaims, "Bet Hope and Noah will know each other's answers." He spots Noah over with Daphs and points an accusing finger.

Noah shrugs his shoulders. "Hopefully."

"Where were you two all morning, anyway?"

"We stayed behind to make the beds." Noah looks sheepish as he says it and doesn't make eye contact with Daphs or Hope.

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