Episode 61: Casa Daze

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Daphs wants to get through it all in a blur, but it just isn't happening. The Casa days prove to be the longest, most drawn out she's spent the entire summer and it is slowly eating away at her.

It wouldn't be too hard if the boys weren't on full graft from the word go, but even when they appear just friendly enough, Daphs still suspects something a little underhanded in an attempt to sway her from Lucas. And if Daphs isn't leaving him for Bobby or Noah, she certainly isn't leaving him for Felix or Carl...

The speed dating doesn't prove too bad; she enjoys catching up with Carl though it's obvious where his head is at in terms of a relationship ... Kassam is nothing but a wet wipe, Felix is far too eager, Elijah is dry; Graham proves all right when he spends the entire two rounds of his time asking about Marisol, making it clear to Daphs that he isn't interested in a romance with Daphs. Oh, how refreshing.

Arjun is an interesting case.

Yeah, he's very good-looking. Probably the best out of the bunch, followed closely by Graham and Carl, and he is certainly interested. And a lil funny. And Daphs does like funny, good-looking guys on the smaller-ish side. Not that he is small, just not nearly as out and buff as some of the other guys.

Daphs is going to have to keep an eye on all his grafting.

The other thing Daphs has to be careful about is Noah. Not that he's around, but he certainly makes his mark by packing one of his t-shirts away in her case. It smells just like him, too. Oh boy, does it make her long for home, to be back with her guys.

She quickly hides the shirt under the rest of her stuff so no one will question her. It obviously isn't one of Lucas' and as everyone knows Daphs doesn't exactly sleep on the conservative side ... And speaking of being conservative...

In Priya's suitcase, Lucas packs her one of Daphs thongs. Daphs scrambles for it, swiping it out of her hands with a blush.

The other girls are all keen on getting to know the guys, so Daphs is rarely out of boys company. Most of them seem to have paired up a little with Chelsea and Elijah getting close, Lottie and Kassam getting to know each other, and Marisol and Graham hitting it off. Felix seems to be flitting his attention between Daphs and Priya, going wherever the wind blows.

Only Carl and Arjun are a little less fixed with both boys tallying up attempts on Daphs and Hope. Hope is more receptive to the attention, even if she is a little reserved around Carl because of his history with Daphs, but Daphs still seems to be worth the effort even though all her conversations can really only be chalked up to being polite.

Daphs has gone into Casa Amor intending to bring it every occasion, but she finds herself wearing her least favourite outfits, not really that up to impressing the new boys. Considering they lads are the ones meant to be grafting on her, though, she knows it's the perfect time to get away with it...

The first evening both Carl and Arjun take Daphs to the side for a 'private' chat where they make their clear intentions even clearer that they're interested, both even asking if she doesn't mind sharing a bed with them, and Daphs has to break the news that she has no intention of sleeping in the beds with any of the boys, let alone letting them crack on.

She does her best not to be rude about it.

And so, it's time for bed, and Daphs pops Noah's t-shirt on, and it's so big it completely covers her bottom. Though everyone is still sitting about chatting, Daphs leaves early to head outside, reasoning that if her days end earlier, she'll have less time to pass between Villa's...

Daphs finds it so hard to sleep, though. She hadn't even got to share a bed with Lucas her last night in the Villa, hadn't the foggiest idea that that would be it. She stays up thinking about the Main Villa, about the boys and the weather reporters – a nice nickname Chelsea and the other girls have dubbed the newbies settling down in their beds with their guys.

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