Episode 90: Grab Your Popcorn

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So, as if tonight hadn't got aggy enough," Kitty begin, as she stands before all the others. She and Hannah are at their seats between the two groups of Islanders, with the other girls around one table and the boys around the other. "We have 'A Night at the Movies' which is sure to not start any arguments or stir up any dramas whatsoever."

"Also, at the end, there's a surprise, so be prepared," Hannah says. "So, to decide which movie you all get to watch, we're going to be holding a little quiz."

"Fastest team to answer correctly will win, and the winning team will get to choose from a selection of clips about the other team."

"So, it's really all to play for tonight, guys. Good luck."

Daphs takes Marisol and Hope's hands under the table.

"First question," Hannah says, reading out from her card, "Which Islander has gained the biggest increase in Instagram followers since coming onto the show?"

Shouts of 'Oh! Oh!' come from both groups, mainly from the newer Islanders, but Elisa is the fastest and slams her hand on the girls' buzzer, shouting, "DAPHS! DAPHS!"

Hannah points over to Elisa with a smile. "Correct!" She calls out as a huge groan comes up from the boys end. "Daphs was also the first Islander whose follower count broke into the millions."

"You've got over a million Insta followers," Hope says in awe, grabbing a hold of Daphs.

Daphs is too stunned to speak. Lottie and Marisol are both looking at Daphs just as gobsmacked.

"Congrats to the girls," Kitty says. "You may now choose one of the following clips."

A list appears on the screen.

Noah's Arc

Bump in the Night

To Graft or Not to Graft

Tricky Mickey

The One True Gossip-Sneezer

He's Just Not That Into You

"The One True Gossip-Sneezer!" Marisol giggles. "Well, Elisa, you did win us the point. Why don't we find out who's earned the title you coined?"

"Are we not going to vote?" Hope asks. "I really want to find out Noah's one."

"Then you better get the next question right then, hun," Elisa shrugs. She turns to Hannah and Kitty and shouts, "The One True Gossip-Sneezer!"

The pair nod and the screen turns to black.

To see better, Hannah and Kitty head over to the girls table with their chairs. Both wear smiles of anticipation, the only ones besides Elisa who are smiling.

Daphs grabs Hope and Marisol's hands again.

The black screen shows Rahim and Noah on the beanbags. Hope's grip tightens.

"You might find Noah's out sooner than we thought," Elisa mutters.

"Shush!" Lottie says harshly, beady eyes on the screen.

There's a murmur from the boys end, but otherwise they're quiet.

"Don't say anything, obviously," Noah on the screen says as he lounges back in the beanbag. "I don't want it getting around and getting back to Hope that I fancy anyone else."

"So, you like fancy-her-fancy-her?" Rahim asks.

Hope squirms as Marisol puts a hand on Daphs back.

Screen-Noah shakes his head lightly, his arms crossing over his chest. "Not fancy-fancy, but I'm interested. Not to the point where I want to pursue anything, at any rate. I'm happy enough with Hope, and Daphs seems to be a bit of a drama-magnet. I don't know if I could deal with that."

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