Episode 5: Can We Go for a Chat?

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Daphs wakes up to the fresh morning sunlight beaming in through the windows. The space next to her in bed is empty, so she gets up without fuss. Two large lumps in the bed next to her are talking – actually, scratch that – bickering.

"My hair does not look like that –" Daphs hears Hope say grumpily.

Despite the covers over their head signifying privacy, Noah is not keeping his voice down as he says, "No – well, it looks like –"

"It looks like what?"

For the first morning together, the so-called strongest couple don't sound too couple-y.

Daphs leaves them to it, heading upstairs to the dressing room. Just as Daphs is getting up, Priya pops up from the bed the other side of Hope and Noah, yawning, but still making it look flawless.

"Morning, Priya," Daphs says, deciding to wait for her.

"Oh, good morning, Daphs," Priya replies. "Are you off to get ready?"

"Yeah, you coming?"

"Yeah, yeah," she says sleepily, still in bed.

They head upstairs together, too sleepy to say much. "I need a coffee," Daphs says as they enter the empty dressing room. It's still in shambles from the night before. Daphs grabs her curlers and switches them on.

"Is Rocco away to make you one? Or maybe Bobby?" Priya asks with a knowing smirk.

Daphs giggles. "I haven't seen either of them yet this morning, so who knows. I wouldn't like to think something so small would sway me, but right now I think I'd kiss whoever handed me a coffee."

"Oh, I'll have to let the boys know. They'll be fighting over that kettle."

Daphs laughs. "So, spill, you took a couple of the boys for a chat last night. What are you feeling?"

Priya tightens. "Well ... obviously, Rocco and Bobby were on my list, but what I'm getting from Bobby is that I'd be fighting a losing battle, as much as I would like to choose him. I really like Ibrahim, though, he's a great guy, but I would really like to get to know all the guys some more."

"Yeah, that's fair enough," Daphs says. She focuses on her make-up in the mirror as she talks. "Don't worry about any of us right now, you've got to do what you've got to do. It's not a nice feeling for anyone, but we all knew the score coming in. And to be honest, I can't really say I know the guys all that much right now anyway, and I've had hours longer than you."

"You're a sweetheart, aren't you, Daphs?" Priya says, pausing her make-up routine to give Daphs a glowing smile. "I'm really sorry for how tonight might go, I'm so undecided."

"You don't need to apologise."

"Would you say you're leaning more Bobby than Rocco? How are things between you and Rocco anyway? I've seen you and Bobby all over each other, but nothing from Rocco besides eyes on the back of your head."

Daphs eyes widen. "I mean, I won't lie – please don't tell anyone this, you're the only one I've told – but – oh god –" She stops to put her head in her hands in embarrassment.

"Oh my god, Daphs, spit it out!"

With her hand over her mouth, Daphs confessed, "I might have kissed Rocco last night when we were in bed, but oh my gosh, please don't say anything. I actually do like Bobby so much –"

"Daphs, you fiend!" Priya squeals, her face a picture. "After the snog-a-thon you had with Bobby last night! AH!" She rears back in laughter.

"Oh my god, I know! I don't know what came over me! I haven't thought about Rocco like that once!"

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