Episode 126: And the Winner Is...

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There is still the after-party chapter to come, something I actually didn't write initially! I'm in the midst of a full-blown birthday week (six important birthdays over five days, with my daughters being tomorrow!), and then I'm off to a festival over the weekend, so if I don't get a chance to get it up in the next two days before I go, it looks like it'll be Monday before the 'official' last ep comes out, but to me, this was always the 'final', so I hope you enjoy!!

"Over the past twenty-four hours you have been voting for your winning couple," the Flack announces from her spot towards the camera, "and the results are now in."

The lights darken to an orange glow as the crowd 'ooh'. The Flack turns to the four couples remaining, standing back up before the firepit.

"Chelsea and Mickey, Hope and Noah, Daphs and Bobby, Lottie and Gary, I can reveal the couple in fourth place is..."

Who? Who? Lottie fiddles with her hair, Bobby holds Daphs hand tightly. Not a sound is made beside the pulsing sound effects to add tension, it drags on and on and –

"It's Chelsea and Mickey!"

The Islanders break out into applause for them as the crowd cheer. Chelsea and Mickey seem neither fussed nor bothered about being out now, turning to one another and sharing a kiss. Mickey puts his arm around Chelsea as they make their way to the small sofa with the Flack, the Islanders and crowd still cheering them on.

After the Flack congratulates them and they're seated, it's time for the interview.

Daphs and the other's sit back down around the firepit to listen in, but they all share excited looks with one another about having made it one step closer. Daphs grip in Bobby's hand is vice like as neither of them seem to be able to let go of each other.

"So, how are you both feeling?" The Flack asks the fourth-place pair.

"Ah, someone had to come in fourth," Mickey says, smiling unabashedly, "and to be honest, I'm just happy we've made it into the final at all. That in itself to me is incredible."

"Exactly," Chelsea says, putting her hand on his thigh as he sits with his arm behind her along the sofa. "Coming in fourth doesn't bother me when I've got you by my side."

She leans up and kisses him on the cheek.

"One of my favourite quotes," Chelsea goes on as the small incline of applause at her words dies down, "'Winning isn't about coming first. It's about doing better than you ever have before.' And I am because I've come out of here, not only a stronger person, but with one of the most incredible friendships I've ever had in my life." She turns, Mickey looks expectant, but she keeps turning 'til she's looking over at the firepit. "Whatever happens, Daphs and I are bra-sisters for life; I'll always have my girl."

"Aw," the Flack says, hand on her heart as the crowd cheers some. "You really bonded with Daphs over all the other girls, and you're not the only one to come out and mention Daphs in particular. So, Chelsea, what is it about Daphs that draws so much love?"

As a gushy look breaks over Chelsea's face, Daphs tries not to go pink in the cheeks. Bobby grins at Daphs, holding back his snigger over the look on her face.

"She's just a really great gal," Chelsea says. "Like, honestly, she might not be perfect, but she'll be the first to say so, and I think she's just someone that people are naturally drawn too. She's a shining star in the nights sky. You really have to close your eyes to not pay attention."

As the crowd let out a huge gasp of 'aw', Daphs is clutching her heart. She's for sure moving in with Chelsea when they get out of here. Bobby can share Daphs bedroom.

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