Episode 18: Getting Aggy

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Back at the Villa, Daphs enters alone, Priya switching from Henrik to Lucas for a date like she had done as Lottie makes her way out for Henrik's last date. Daphs makes it to the bedroom, her heels clanking loudly through the entrance hall before she spots another Islander.

... And it's Bobby.

He beams when he sees her and Daphs has to admit that she's pleased to see him to. She isn't too sure how she feels about the thought he might have been waiting for her. At least he wants to hear about how her dates went ... that makes her happier than anything else.

"Ah, there you are!" He says, running up to her. He gives her a quick kiss and cuddle, like he's getting them out of the way before he gets down to asking what he really wants. "Just the girl I'm looking for."

"Do you wanna hear how my dates went?" She asks chirpily.

His eyes go wide like the thought hadn't even occurred to him. "No? Well, yeah, I mean, sure I do," he says, flustered. "Not right now though. We've got bigger fish to fry."

Daphs knows she isn't wholly keeping the shock and disappointment from her face. She brushes it off quick enough. "Like what?" She asks, trying her best to keep her disappointment out of her voice. Bobby seems so excited, and after Daphs has been out all day with the new boys, she doesn't want to spoil whatever it is for him.

His eyes light up mischievously. "Pranks!" When Daphs manages a keen smile, Bobby insistently says, "Think about it: two of the boys are out of the Villa. The others are all restless and in the gym. Half the girls are out on dates, too. It's perfect."

Daphs really, really wants to join in, but she can't help herself. She has to ask him, "Aren't you even a little bit interested in, like, how the dates went, or something like that?"

"Not right now!" He says, clinging to her hands. "Time is of the essences here! Let's go!"

Daphs doesn't have much of a choice as she's dragged alongside him. Normally a good prank would be right up her alley, but something about Bobby's attitude has really grated on her, souring her mood. Worst of it is that he doesn't seem to notice.

Bobby leads her to the dressing room, which is deserted. The door leading to the roof terrace is ajar, the curtain pulled mostly shut. Daphs sits on one of the stools conservatively, watching him expectantly.

He seems to notice her expression for the first time, his shoulders sagging. "Come on, Daphs, I know you want to tell me about your dates, but isn't pranks more fun?"

Daphs shrugs, her face remaining the same. "Sure," she tells him. "What have you got?"

"All right, it's not the greatest," he says like he's still trying to make sure everything is fine, "but here's my idea: I'm going to take all of Rocco's clothes ... and Henrik's ... and mix them up. That way, when they get changed later, they'll end up wearing each other's clothes!"

He looks at her expectantly, like he's just revealed the greatest prank ever. "I have a few criticisms."

"Ah, come on, I know it's not my greatest, but I didn't have much time to think a prank up before you got back."

"I've been out all morning, been on two dates, Bobby..."

"Yeah, you keep reminding me," he says, raising his brows for a moment. His smile stays in place, making the comment not entirely passive aggressive. "Daphs, I just need you to make sure the coast is clear while I do all the work, capiche?"

"Comprende." She makes an 'a-okay' gesture with her right hand, not looking at him as she gets up.

Daphs kicks her shoes off at the top of the stairs, picking them up and carrying them down. She gets to the bedroom and finds Rocco on his way through. His face lights up when he sees her.

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