Episode 49: Ministry of Sound Part Two

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Daphs isn't really sure where she's going so long as it's away. She hears heels coming after her, clinking on the patio, but Daphs doesn't turn around.

She finally stops in the bathroom, grabbing some tissues and bringing them straight to her eyes. She lets it out with one little feeble cry from her mouth, wiping her eyes and tissues coming back streaked with her eye make-up.

The bathroom door bursts open and Priya and Lottie come in, looking like any drama between them is thoroughly on the back burner. Daphs turns from them a little, feeling stupid.

Priya throws her hands around Daphs neck, pulling her in for a hug.

"That was out of order," Lottie says. "No one blames you for being upset."

Daphs buries herself into Priya, not feeling like she deserves the sympathy now she's getting it. Before they can say anything more, the door opens again, and Noah comes in. Daphs knows it's him from the footsteps; she can sense the energy there.

"Sorry, do you guys mind if I speak to Daphs alone?" He asks, striding further into the room.

"Hmm," Lottie says, thoughtfully. Priya keeps her arms around Daphs. "Don't do anything stupid while we're gone," Lottie says, a little accusingly.

Priya lets Daphs go. Noah's there, so she doesn't worry about her smudgy crying face being exposed.

Daphs hears them leaving but doesn't say anything still. Noah presses her against the sink, his hands sliding down her hips to the back of her thighs. In one movement, he hoists her onto the counter. He stands between her legs, keeping her tight against his chest.

"Fuck them, Daphs." His head grazing against hers. "It just shows how petty and immature they are."

Daphs has his t-shirt balled up tight in her hands. It's probably not as bad as the streaky make-up tears she'll be leaving on his shoulder and chest though. Bad luck he's wearing white.

When Daphs pulls off, she keeps her head down, reaching for more tissues. He keeps his hands on her legs, running them up and down her bare skin.

"Hey, if you want to sleep out on the daybeds tonight, I'll be right there with you ..." Noah says. He pauses, his hands stopping still. "I mean ... I'll probably be sleeping next to Gary ... I wouldn't want to – you know, just with things – it'd be –"

She hugs him. "I know what you mean."

Daphs takes a deep breath, trying to take him in. There's a certain spice to his smell that makes Daphs wrap her legs around his back, inching herself across the counter. He pushes in.

"You smell really good," she tells him, not wanting to think about anything else that's happened.

His hands are in her hair again; she can feel him taking her in, his face lost in her, too. Daphs raises her face, turning it to him. Her bottom lip grazes his t-shirt until it gets to his skin. She gently presses her lips to his neck, the soft sound of a kiss rolling from her tongue. He turns his head up, offering her more space.

Her lips are dry, so Daphs presses the tip of her tongue against him, licking at him gently. She can taste sweat and nerves and it tastes so good her other lips don't need a tongue to wet them, though the thought of Noah's down there makes her shudder.

Daphs kisses his neck, letting her hot breath graze his skin. His hands are against her lower back, pressing her against him hard enough to feel how hard he is already. His breath is quick and hard as she draws her lips up his jawline...

They're face-to-face, eyes gradually coming to lock together. Noah grazes the tips of their noses from side-to-side, the gesture slow and caring. Their lips are a mere inch away as his eyes slip down to hers longingly. He licks along his teeth before biting his bottom lip back. With a shuddering breath, he pulls his head back, his chest heaving like they'd done far more ...

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