Episode 30: Aftershock

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It's a new day in paradise as our twelve Islander's get up for a fresh day after last night's shock recoupling and dumping. The mood is as to be expected after losing someone, but, somehow, as the sun beats down on another fresh morning in paradise, they all soldier on.

"How're we all feeling today?" Hope asks the girls when they're all in the dressing room. There's a murmur of nothings in reply.

Daphs hasn't forgotten Lottie's comments the night before, but neither does she blame her for them. Daphs does her hair and her make-up before realising she hasn't peed yet, so in her underwear-pjs from the night before, she heads down the hall to the bathroom, not bothering with the night gown.

Daphs lingers once she's washed her hands to brush her teeth. She's putting her brush away when the door opens and Bobby walks in.

He stops when he sees her and Daphs has much of the same reaction.

It's the first time she's properly laid eyes on him since last night. And – and – oh God. No. No. No. This awkwardness, this tension, this sorrow isn't how it should have been. The pang in her heart from first setting her eyes on him grows to her stomach, weighing her down like an anchor.

"I'll come back later," he says, already making a move to leave.


He turns back to her, his hand still hovering towards the door.

"I'm done, I'm leaving," she goes on, unable to look him in the eye.

Daphs had burst out her reply before thinking, wanting that 'don't' to mean more than him just not leaving the bathroom. But – who's fault is it really, that they're in this mess.

Daphs gives herself one disappointed look in the mirror, the guilt raining down, knowing the hurt she's caused for them both is squarely on her own shoulders.

She selfishly wishes for him to do what he always does when there's trouble between them; to fix it, to make it all better, but Daphs knows that's not going to happen. After yesterday – last night – just her being her – why would he? Why should he?

She goes, walking off, a part of her still hoping he'll grab her as she passes; that he'll say something; anything at all to reach out to her. But he does nothing but stand aside, and Daphs passes by, eyes to the floor. Maybe she should have worn her see-through top the night before after all.

Gary passes her by in the hall, grinning. She eyes him as they pass, her head turning once they're beyond one another, so she sees him checking out her ass on his way to the bathroom.

All she thinks about is how she'll never know if Bobby had checked out her ass as she left. He had to have. He was sad, not blind. And her ass does look good. Bobby has joked before about staring at her ass every time she passes. Hopefully it cheered him up, reminding him there were things he liked about her.

Daphs heads out to the kitchen with Hope; Noah, Lucas, and Ibrahim are already there.

"Morning," Lucas says as he stops what he's doing to go to her. There's a knowing look in the other boys' eye that Daphs is suspicious of. "I was just making tea, do you want some?"

"Yeah, go on," Daphs answers, pulling off to go to the fridge.

"Hope, what about you? Tea?"

"Aw, that would be lovely, thank you, babes," Hope replies, putting her arms around Noah's neck. He puts his hand on the small of her back, bringing her in close. Daphs looks away as he pecks her cheek. "At least someone is taking care of me," she says, smirking at Noah as she pulls her face away from the kiss.

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