Episode 11: When You Know, You Know, You Know?

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The sun is in full beam when Daphs finally wakes up.

In Bobby's arms, the warmth of his body kept her hot all night. Daphs rolls over, naked still, and plants a kiss on him. His eyes flutter, but don't open, and after a moment he kisses her back, deeper. She can feel him rising below the waist and puts her legs around him once again.

Daphs rolls Bobby on his back, easing him into her again. She sits up only slightly, letting the duvet roll down her shoulders. Bobby's eyes are still shut, but he's breathing heavily before he moans out, uncaring about how loud he's being. Daphs continues to roll her hips over him, determined to make it his best morning in the Villa so far.

His hands trail up the back of her thighs, squeezing her between his fingers before he moves one hand to her waist, holding her gently. His eyes open, his light brown gaze falling on her face before he slides it down her body, taking her in fully for the first time in the daylight. Bobby seizes up, his face contorting as he suppresses a moan. Daphs leans in, kissing him along the jaw and nibbling on his ears. His grip on her hips tightens, his fingers digging in enough that Daphs hopes she's left with five tiny bruises. He holds her steady, emptying into her again.

Daphs climbs off with a smile, cuddling into him again.

"Jeez, Daphs, you never quit," he says, one arm over his eyes.

"I can't help it when I wake up to someone so handsome."

He turns to her, smiling. "You aren't so bad yourself," he says, taking her face in hand and kissing her.

"We should probably get our clothes on and join the others," Daphs says.

Bobby nods. He uses the throw over the duvet to cover himself while he picks up their discarded nightwear. They dress under the sheets, knowing they'll be changing again shortly.

Before they walk over, Bobby says to Daphs, "Piggyback?"

"I thought you'd never ask."

He bends his back, and Daphs jumps off the bed and onto him with a little scream. She holds onto him for dear life as he shoogles her up her back and into position. They're both giggling as Bobby steam-rolls up the garden path towards the bedrooms. He doesn't stop until they reach the bedroom door, and that's only because there is a bedroom door.

Bobby smacks the side of his head and arm into it, only narrowly avoiding getting Daphs because she's leaning round the other side of him. Because of this his head smacks into hers, and they both burst out laughing. Bobby dropping his grip slightly, and Daphs climbs off.

Holding their heads lightly, the pair are non-stop giggling as they lean into each other, hands all over one another.

Before they can say anything – not that they seemed capable of that – the bedroom door opens from the inside, with Lottie sweeping aside the curtain and giving them a look.

"Was that you two?" She asks with a shrug, moving out the way to let the giggling pair in.

Bobby chuckles as he enters the lit bedroom, Daphs hand in his, "That was me. I ran into the door."

Daphs uses his hand to keep herself up as she starts laughing harder, coming in the room behind him.

"You two need to calm down," Lottie says, shutting the door again.

As Bobby pulls Daphs in for a hug, Daphs notices for the first time that everyone else is up. Gary is the only Islander missing.

Priya calls out, "We know exactly what you two were getting up to last night!"

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