Episode 43: The Opposite of that One Destiny Child's Song

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Back at the Villa, Daphs hops straight into the shower; the boys who had got slimed taking the outside one in a futile attempt to be gentlemanly. Despite Lottie being the only girl who hadn't been slimed, Daphs is alone in the bathroom. It isn't until she's out and pink like a newborn that she discovers the rest of the girls out on the roof terrace, consoling a crying Lottie.

"Oh my God, babes, are you okay?" Daphs asks when she spots her for the first time, huddled up under Hope's arm with a tissue crumpled in her hand.

"No, I'm an idiot," Lottie says, wiping her eyes.

"You aren't an idiot, Lottie," Hope says sternly. "We all thought Gary was into you; we all still do, don't we, girls?" She looks about them like she's ready to physically fight any of them who disagree.

"Of course!" Priya says, rubbing Lottie's leg helpfully. "It was one stupid comment, babe, don't throw everything you've been building up away for that..."

Lottie wipes her eyes again, looking at Hope. "You said you didn't think we'd work," she says, accusingly. "You said you didn't think we were compatible, and I'd be the one who couldn't handle it. Why would you say that if you didn't think it was true?"

Hope looks thrown. Her mouth goes up and down slowly like she's a goldfish for a long few seconds. "That was ages ago I said that. It was the night you told Daphs and me about Gary and Daphs told you to go for it with him, remember? She was adamant you two were going to be so strong, right?"

Lottie looks thoughtfully at the ground, her nose as red as the rim of her eyes. "Was that the night Gary ended up telling Marisol he fancied Daphs?"

Heart sinking, Daphs doesn't know what to say, but knows she's got to say something. "Lottie, Gary's never tried it on with me. He's never so much as even mentioned having the slightest hint of a crush. With the mess my love life's been in here he'd have had ample opportunity to make it known he was interested in me and he hasn't, but you? You he kissed after recoupling with Marisol; it was you he was jealous over during the kissing challenge when you stuck it on Henrik to piss him off; it was you he wanted to recouple with the last time, and I guarantee you that if he had first choice today instead of you he wouldn't hesitate to pick you again, Lottie."

Hope nods encouragingly. "Well said, Daphs."

"I'll admit I've never been yours or Gary's number one fans, but you two did work well together," Marisol adds. "You're both a force to be reckoned with, and I don't think there's anybody in here that could handle either of you. Go and talk to Gary, let him have his say before you make your mind up."

She wipes at her eyes one last time. "Look at me – crying over a boy. What would I think if I could see myself?" She rolls her eyes, the smallest smile on her face. "I'm going to go check my make-up and speak to him, sort everything out before the recoupling. I've made up my mind."

With one swift stride, she's back inside. Daphs shivers in her towel and follows her back in, too.

"Shower time," Hope says, heading straight through the dressing room.

"Hey, I'm going in first!" Marisol grins, running after her.

Priya is the last one in from outside. Daphs catches her eye, intent to ask her how she and Ibrahim are, but before she can get any words out, Priya looks away, and left after Marisol and Hope. Daphs shuts her mouth dejectedly.

"How did Lucas take the challenge?" Lottie asks once they're alone.

Daphs shrugs. "I think we're good, but we're going to have a chat anyway. We don't want anything lingering, you know..."

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