Episode 109: Playground

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Notes: apologies! I've had a discussion about this story over on ao3 regarding the previous scene with Lucas and the S/A after getting a few comments asking me if I ever was going to address it. I was planning on leaving a link to the actual statement I made at the bottom of the episode for anyone who wanted to read it, but it won't let me copy the link here so I've put it in my profile. The discussion has me feeling a whole lot better regarding the situation and with where I want to take ICoBY from here on out. A big thank you for reading and sticking with me along Dabby's story, this fic wouldn't be what it is without it's audience. 'Books belong to their readers', after all.

The energy in the dressing room is a lot higher than it had been the night before. This family visit is just what everyone needs. "I'm so homesick," Hope says as she rubs her moisturiser on, "this is amazing."

Lottie sits next to her with her make-up bag at the ready. "Tell me about it, babes! I usually talk to my pal Robbie two, maybe three, times a week."

"What?" Chelsea exclaims from Daphs side. "That's more than I talk to anyone! Even my parents ... but I do go see them often."

"Not really much of a chance of that when my folks and my mates still live in Aus, babe."

"Oh yeah..."

"Was it great seeing your mum again, Daphs?" Hannah asks. "I won't lie, I was tearing up watching you."

Daphs feels like she might well up again over it all. "Oh my God, yeah it was great ... but now ... uh, I'm feeling a bit flat now. Like, that's it. I'm going to have to wait however long before seeing her again."

"I get what you mean," Chelsea says sadly, "Like, I've never gone this long without talking to my mum! So, when she goes again today, it's like, okay, so how long do I have to go again before speaking to you?"

Daphs nods. "I guess we just have to be thankful we're getting these moments today."

"To think, if last night had gone bad one of the couples could have been seeing their family again today under totally different circumstances," Hannah says.

When Daphs heads back out, she spies Bobby with the other lads all around the beanbags. She wants to see him and only him, not really fancy sitting about all the boys, not when Noah and her aren't talking and when Gary and Lucas had been acting like such pricks to her the night before. Though, by this point, she shouldn't really be expecting much more from Lucas.

That really only leaves Mickey and Bobby. Mickey hasn't done anything wrong, and he had been being wholly lovely to her last night in comparison to some of the other lads, but given Chelsea's wavering feelings, Daphs can't help but feel guilty over this knowledge. Déjà vu with Priya and Ibrahim hits her as she goes over anyway, with Hannah in tow. The boys conversation dies as they approach, but as they take a step closer a loud swelling of, "Hey!" greets them.

After all the hey-ing and hellos are out of the way, and Daphs is getting comfortable in next to Bobby, Gary unexpectedly says to her, "Actually, Daphs do you want to quickly have a chat?"

She looks at him a little perplexed but is soon nodding. Bobby leans to give her a kiss on the lips before she goes, holding her hand while she gets back to her feet, and only dropping his hold when she steps off.

None of the other lads say anything as they go, leaving Daphs with the impression that they all know what he's got to say to her. Perhaps it's to do with what they had been discussing before she and Hannah arrived ... which leads Daphs to believe it can only really be about one thing ...

"So," Gary says as he relaxes back on the swing. It sways from the way he's gotten on, so Daphs sits up on it with both her feet off the ground. "I wanted to say I'm sorry if I was coming across a little harsh last night," he begins, sending a wave of shock through Daphs. She's still grappling with this, realising she might not be so cornered in as she had thought. "Going into last night, I believed the way it had been said to me, you know? And ... that meant that you were being unfair to Lottie, and being, like, just a hypocrite, really. And I just ... today, I just ... I dunno, Daphs. I'm not sure what to think about it all."

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