Episode 120: Stardust

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Daphs is alone in the dressing room. She had let the others plough on ahead of her, wanting a moment alone after such an emotional day. With everything else happening on top of it all, Daphs is starting to feel a little but buried. That final moment she takes out of the Villa for good is going to feel like such a breath of fresh air, and so long as she's holding Bobby's hand as she steps out the threshold...

There's a gentle knock at the door. Daphs is caught in the midst of annoyance before Noah pops his head round the corner, asking, "Daphs, you in here? Are you decent?"

Daphs has finished up changing, having not long been prancing around in her underwear. Not anything that Noah hasn't seen before, but Daphs is a taken women now, and she doesn't want to be alone with other men in her undies while Bobby doesn't know. Then again, it's just Noah. Then again, it is Noah.

"What can I do for you, Noah?" She asks as she flaps her dressing gown on over her sleep wear.

He shuts the door behind him quietly, saying, "I was actually just going to get a breath of air out on the roof terrace, sorry. I wasn't sure if you were still in here..."

Then why is he shutting the door behind himself?

"I mean, if you're here, and you fancy it, you could join me if you wanted?" He adds.

... This is ... it's ... Daphs isn't sure, but she's got a bad feeling about going out alone with Noah. It is Noah. There's just ... there really is too much there, and Daphs has to think about Bobby. She's hasn't just agreed to be his girlfriend for the sake of it; she wants this, she's wanted it for so long, so why would she jeopardise that the same day they become official?

Noah must see the apprehension on her face, or maybe it's that she's not replied to him for several awkward moments, as he speaks up again, saying, "I think we could use some time. I have something I want to say to you."

Daphs scratches along her collarbone, the spot not really itchy at all, but the scratching fills up the silence her open mouth is leaving. "Uhh ... yeah, well, sure I guess. I just ... it's just ..."

He holds his hands up an inch, palm out facing towards her. "I get it, and ... don't worry. I'm not planning on making any moves, I'm not planning on falling out with you over anything, I just ... I have something I need to say."

Daphs pauses again to seal her eyes shut, taking a moment to decide if this is what she really wants to do. His assurances that he isn't doing this to make moves is what sells her and, a little chirpily to make up for her hesitation, she says, "Sure,", offering him a smile, too. "I'd been avoiding heading downstairs anyway. It's been a lot over the past few days, I needed some space."

"I thought so," he says, putting a hand on her shoulder as they go to head outside. He hesitantly removes it a second later.

Despite the door to the dressing room already being shut, Noah takes the time to pull close the curtain over the terrace door before he shuts that, too.

"Nothing better than a good, clear sky," he says, nodding up as he makes his way from the door. "It's so clear you can even see little satellites moving."

Daphs vaguely recalls Noah being a part of the group making fun of Rocco for chatting up Daphs by suggesting they go stargazing on the roof terrace together.

"I used to think they were actual starts that could move around," he adds as he sits down close by, taking the corner spot that Daphs normally goes for, but opted not to tonight. He props one foot up against the pouffe that's made its way back up, hands on his thighs. "And I used to worry that when I became a star in the sky after my life ended I would be one of those that just stayed in the same place all the time."

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