Episode 70: The Audacity of this B...

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With the news of the dumping looming, Daphs and the other girls go all out. Almost like every night ... Well, there's always an excuse, right?

With two new girls and three new boys, Daphs isn't overly worried about her own position or that of her friends. It has to be either Shannon or Blake leaving if it's the girls, and as for the boys ... Daphs can't see them being there for long enough to make more of an impression than the OG boys. Though, the memory of Lucas and Priya being in the bottom two in the last dumping does make her heart race.

Daphs has to reason that it will be the Casa lot being dumped unceremoniously to focus more on the 'main cast'. It always happens after Casa and it's usually only the Casa cast unless someone is particularly unpopular ... like maybe Lucas ...

And if Lucas is dumped, what will Daphs do? She can't bloody well leave for him. But what if he asks her to? No, that's unreasonable even for him. It might actually be the best thing for Daphs if Lucas were to go, give her a clean break. But ... wouldn't it be better, more worth it, to stay strong and away from him while having him in the Villa, too? Like when Daphs mum is on a diet and leaves all the biscuits and crisps so she feels she's achieved more by resisting the temptation. Though, usually Daphs does catch her with a KitKat...

At least Lottie and Bobby might be safe by default.

The mood is tense as everyone gathers around the firepit in their couples. Lottie and Bobby sit on the edge together. He puts his arm around her.

And then he catches Daphs watching. He smiles as he looks away, but she looks off so quickly in her embarrassment that she doesn't get to see if he looks back at her after.

A text rings out.

Hope reads, "Islanders, you have all been at risk as the public have been voting for their favourite Islanders. The three girls with the fewest votes and who are all in danger of being dumped tonight are..."

Another phone goes off. It's Bobby. He uncomfortably announces, "Blake."

Don't smile, Daphs, don't you fucking dare.

She feels eyes on her as she keeps her expression neutral and doesn't dare look over to see Lucas kiss her comfortingly. If he even does. Noah has his arm around Daphs and strokes her with his thumb.

Another phone. Gary reads out, "Shannon." He reaches over Chelsea to give Rahim a comforting slap on the thigh as Rahim shakes his head in disbelief, pulling Shannon in closer.

Noah's phone goes off. He reads it, Daphs trying to see without seeing, and looks pretty shocked by what it says. As Daphs cycles through possibilities, not really settling on anyone, Noah, sounding slightly stunned, says, "Priya."

Gasps go up all around as Priya's expression turns resolute like she knew that might happen. Daphs, however, did not expect that at all.

They're sat together, Felix on Priya's other side, so Daphs reaches for Priya at once. Priya's resolve seems to break in that moment, and she grasps Daphs, pulling her in for a hug, one which Daphs is more than happy to oblige. Daphs is already crying by the time Priya hugs her.

"The three boys with the fewest votes and who are all in danger of being dumped are..." Rahim reads out seconds before another phone goes off. Daphs doesn't care, only holding Priya that much tighter.

Lottie says, "Felix."

Don't care.

"Carl," Marisol announces.

Couldn't give two shits.

Daphs phone goes off. It isn't Noah, she knows that, otherwise they wouldn't have messaged her. That is one thing she'd picked up on, that every announcement is made by someone who's partner isn't the one being announced.

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