Episode 85: Dirty Daphne

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Despite Daphs morning of channelling a worry wort, she chills in a big group of the other Islanders with Bobby, too. Both of them are acting very normal, so Daphs finds it easy to pretend her worries do not exist.

"Strawberries and cream," Lottie says, plucking one cream coated strawberry out the bowl Bobby brought down from the kitchen, "good pick, Bobby."

She pops it in her mouth with a delectable moan.

"I do like me some strawberries and cream," Marisol grins, getting out one for herself.

Bobby nudges Daphs leg with his foot, getting her attention. "Can I try and get this strawberry in your mouth, Daphers?" He asks once he has her attention, already holding the strawberry up to aim.

"Ten points if you get it in," Daphs says, leaning her head forward, "ten points to me if you miss." She opens up her mouth as wide as she can as Bobby jubilantly whoops.

Before he throws, Bobby dips the already creamed strawberry in even more cream. Daphs eyes him, shaking her head with a grin as he lets out a mischievous little laugh. He steadies his aim.

"Aim and ..." he begins, eyes narrowed in concentration, "fire!"

The strawberry flies passed Daphs head. She spins as she hears Lottie crying out a grump, "Ouch!" When Daphs spies her, there's a blob of cream dribbling down Lottie's chin.

"Oops," Bobby giggles. "Sorry, Lottie," he adds, not sounding sorry at all as Daphs, Hope, Chelsea, and Marisol stifle their own giggles.

"You trying to start a food fight, Bobby?" Lottie says, challengingly.

"Honestly, I was aiming for Daphs face," he says, eyes flickering to Daphs. "Don't normally miss it, do I?"

Marisol bursts out laughing as Lottie shields her face under her hand, obviously choking back her own laugh. Hope shakes her head, a small smile sneaking onto the corners of her mouth.

"Pass us the crisps, Hannah," Gary says absently motioning to Hope.

Everyone turns to him sharply, eyes widening and brows a-raising. "Hannah?" Hope repeats, baffled. "Babe, it's Hope. My name is Hope."

At once Gary's face crumples. His eyes flicker worryingly to Lottie as he says, "Oh, sorry."

Coolly, Hope replies, "It's okay. Easy mistake." She chucks him a bag of crisps.

"That was well weird," he says, not looking at anyone as he scrunches his bag open. "Why'd her name even pop into my head?"

"Want to know what's weirder?" Chelsea says, flapping one hand down on Daphs shoulder. "Me and Daphs were talking about Hannah earlier! We were talking about matching people up who hadn't really had a chance to be together. I totes put you and Hannah together again, Gary!"

As Lottie coughs in outrage, Daphs quickly adds, "I didn't see it. I've been a big shipper of the Gary and Lottie train all along."

"Totes!" Chelsea beams.

Lottie rounds on Chelsea, who obviously has missed the warning signs, and asks her sharply, "What?"

"It was my fantasy Villa!" Chelsea explains like that puts everything into perspective. "I had a dream about another Villa last night, so Daphs and I were talking about different couples!"

"You saw what happened when they were a couple, right?" Hope asks.

Gary seems to be on same prescription as Chelsea as he too doesn't take head of the warning signs.

"To be fair," he says, absolutely not trying to do himself any favours, "maybe I didn't give Hannah much of a chance. Maybe things would be different if I had."

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