Episode 24: Kiss Kiss

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Daphs is rudely awoken by Priya and Lottie, who come bounding through first thing, like they're racing the lights that power on as soon as they enter the room.

"Bobby! Daphs! Get up!" Priya yells, jumping down at the bottom end of the sofa just below their feet.

Bobby rolls over, extracting his arm from over Daphs. He sleepily rubs his eyes, asking, "Was going on?" all in one thick breath. The covers roll down him as he sits up, stopping below his belly button.

Daphs rolls onto her back, covering her yawn with the back of her hand. She sits up slightly, leaning into Bobby as he puts an arm around her. She holds the covers over her bare boobs.

"I got a text!" Lottie says, "We're all heading out for an early morning challenge."

Bobby yawns, stretching out. "At this time?"

"Looks like it," Lottie says, eyeing them both with a small smirk. "It's called Kiss and Tell, so I hope you two didn't overwork those pretty mouths of yours last night."

Daphs kisses Bobby's chest and says, "Well, he certainly did."

"Ah!" Priya squeals, leaning across their make-shift bed as Lottie's jaw drops scandalised. Bobby blushes but can't stop grinning. Once Priya has regained herself, her gaze shifts over them slyly. Knowingly, she asks, "Are you naked under here, Daphs?" Her eyes glisten with trouble.

Daphs locks eyes with her, doing her best to keep her grin off her face. "Might be I am, yeah."

With the same mischievous look on her face, Lottie asks, "And you, Bobby? Are you naked, too?"

He sighs lowly, like he knows what's coming. "I am," he says with a single nod.

Priya and Lottie exchange a look before Priya grins at Daphs and asks, "So, what if I were to yank this away?" She grabs hold of the end of the duvet, lightly tugging it already.

"No!" Daphs and Bobby shout together, Daphs tightening her grip on the covers and trying not to laugh as Bobby leans forwards, pointing accusingly to Priya with one hand and secures a hold of the covers with the other. "No, no!"

Lottie joins Priya at the bottom and they both tug as Daphs and Bobby scream in protest.


At the challenge area, a blackboard has been set up with a column that says 'BOYS' and another marked 'GIRLS'. There are two sets of cards for each team, a secret about someone in the other team on the back side. Each team has to guess which Islander the secret is about and they confirm their selection by giving that Islander a good old fashioned snog.

"So, is there any reason why we shouldn't just kiss whoever we want?" Rocco asks, like such an idea is the only one he can contemplate.

"Yeah, because we'll lose if we do that," Gary says incredulously.

"So, I can either play to win, or I can use this as a chance to kiss some people?" Rocco goes on, seemingly oblivious to the looks he's getting from the other boys.

Daphs catches Bobby's eye across the challenge area and smirks. The thought of him kissing any of the other girls makes her heart race in the worst way possible. Then again – if Daphs wants to kiss – like, properly kiss – any of the other lads, isn't this the perfect excuse? A challenge, with everyone watching is hardly the same as stealing a moment alone, so as far as excuses go, this is possibly the most perfect one she will get. And if Daphs is going to use it as an excuse, no matter how much it rattles her to think of Bobby kissing and being kissed by the other girls, she has to look supportive and clap along like it's all the name of the game.

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