Episode 27: Rated Part One

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Daphs wakes to the sun beating down on her. Too hot, she flings the covers off her. It probably wasn't the night to wear her most snuggly pj's. Daphs gets up, yawning, and makes the bed before heading to the kitchen.

Her water from the night before is disgustingly warm and she needs a cool glass to stifle the headache she's woken up with.

Since she's alone, she decides to eat before going in. After contemplating everything that has no real consequence, like what to actually have for breakfast, Daphs goes to the fridge, getting out her usual strawberry flavoured yoghurt.

When she gets inside, the lights are still off, indicating how early she is. She can hear the other Islander's shuffling about, some of the whispering over the sheets, waiting for the lights to spring on before they actually start their day.

Daphs realises with a start that she and Bobby are the only ones who haven't spent a night in the bedroom since they first arrived. She shakes her head at the realisation.

She can hear someone in the bathroom already, showering. Daphs goes about in the bathroom like they aren't there, not wanting to shout out a greeting and disturb them.

Daphs is putting her toothbrush back in the holster when the shower turns off. They grab their towel and come out, revealing Bobby. He stops when he sees Daphs standing there.

"You normally sing," Daphs says to mirror-Bobby. She turns, looking the real Bobby in the eye. "In the shower, you normally sing."

He gives her a half-hearted smile. "You should've come in five minutes earlier. My Mariah Carey was off the charts." He goes to the sink next to her, getting his toothbrush.

Daphs sits up on the edge of the sink. "What song were you singing?" She asks, then holds a hand up, halting him. "No, wait, let me guess – 'We Belong Together'."

He slowly turns to her with a grin. "Wrong." When she lets out an affronted gasp, Bobby says, "I've forgotten how that one goes, you'll have to remind me."

She turns away with an "Oof."

As she hops off the sink, Bobby comes closer, resting a hand on her hip. "I meant what I said yesterday, Daphs, about you thinking about what you want. I'm gonna give you space for it, okay? Just, promise me you'll keep me in the loop."

Daphs draws a loop in the air between them, starting with her index fingers touching at the top and bringing them back down to meet at the end. "Oop," she says, puffing out her cheeks as she makes the dorky noise. "Promise."

"Good," he says, turning back to the sink as she walks behind him towards the door, "because that was really cute and I wanna kiss you, and I can't if I'm giving you bloody space."

She giggles as she leaves.


Daphs is chilling with Priya and Hope by the pool for most of the morning. The three of them dangle their legs in the cold water up to their knees as Daphs is in the middle of telling them about bumping into Bobby in the bathroom after Hope asks if she has spoken to him yet.

"So, he goes to me, he just flatly is like, 'no'," Daphs says, joyfully regaling the story as the other two burst out laughing, "and is like, 'I can't remember how it goes, you'll have to show me, Daphs'. Like?"

Hope claps as she laughingly says, "My boy is learning his worth." She shoves playfully into Daphs, "I love you, girl, but I have to say: good for fucking him. Good for him."

Priya nods concurrently. "I think he does need to take a stand, for both of you. I've noticed that you do that thing, you know – you're like pushing him away almost? Like, you are so afraid of how serious you two are getting that you're purposefully putting up barriers, and I think it's good that Bobby's maybe doing that now, too."

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