Episode 21: Girls on Top

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Daphs wakes in the morning to Bobby climbing back in under the duvet. She sits up on her elbows, rubbing her eyes. "Ah, sorry, didn't meant to wake you, sweetheart," he says. "I made you a brew, though." He hands it over once Daphs has sat up.

Daphs takes the mug, still using her free hand to pat under her eyes. They're feeling puffier than usual. It might have been the soft crying she had done whilst Bobby slept...

"Thanks, Bobby," she says. "It's nice to know someone is there to help me get ready for a day of tranquili-tea."

He eyes her over his own mug. "I hope you don't mind that I didn't put any sugars in, but as we both know, you're sweet enough."

She leans into his side, and he shuffles to cuddle her.

"You hungry?" He asks. "What you fancying for breakfast?"

Daphs waits for her yawn to be over. "I don't know, I think I might have fruit and a yoghurt. Usual."

He looks unimpressed. "Really? I'll make you anything you wish; pancakes, fry up – wait, I've got it!" He snaps his finger, shooting to his feet. "Go get dressed, Daphs. Twenty minutes and breakfast'll be waiting."

He doesn't wait for an answer before he shoots out of the room. Daphs takes a minute to adjust to the morning before she gets up, folding the duvet up to put away later.

Up in the dressing room, the five other girls are already on the go. "Morning, beautiful ladies," Daphs says with a quiet wave. She stands leaning against the door frame, sipping her tea.

"You left me!" Lottie says accusingly. It doesn't last and she breaks into a grin. "I woke up this morning all alone – again. Bobby did say you crawled in with him not long after the lights went out last night."

Hope grins. "Yeah, Noah saw you leaving the room last night."

"Noah saw a lot of Daphs last night," Priya says before bursting into laughter.

"I think that was half the Villa, not just Noah," Kitty teases, a bright smile on her face.

Daphs gets to work on getting ready, remembering Bobby only gave her twenty minutes. She knew it wouldn't be a great start to their unspoken fresh start – unspoken second fresh start. Priya hangs on for Daphs even though she's one of the first finished, letting the other girls head out with their plans to let the boys do all the hard grafting for the day.

"So, did you and Bobby get up to much last night?" Priya asks.

Daphs shakes her head. "It was still a bit fresh," she says, rubbing her eyes some more. "We cuddled, but that was good. Needed. What about you? How're things with you and Ibrahim?"

Priya looks a little put out. "Just between us?" She prompts, waiting for Daphs nod before going on, "A little on the stale side. He's a nice enough guy to chat to, but it's like where's the flavour? Where's the spice? Put it this way, there's more affectionate between you and Noah than me and Ibrahim."

Daphs can't help but look a little disappointed. "But do you like him?"

"Of course I do, but it's getting to the point where I need a little more to go on."

"Marisol had a bit of the same problem with him," Daphs says sadly. "It might be worth sticking it out with him, trying to open him up a bit more."

"I know, but I can't help but feel a little jealous of you and Bobby and Hope and Noah. Our bed was right next to those two last night and they were definitely getting up to no good."

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