Episode 59: Fakub

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Daphs gets up along with all the others to give Jakub a hug. Chelsea and Hope end up giving him the longest hugs of all. As everyone mills about inside to help Jakub pack, Daphs gets an unexpected tap on the shoulder from Hope.

"Hey, hun, I couldn't have a quick chat with you?" She asks, looking a little nervous, but otherwise fine. There's no tears, no anger, nothing untoward.

"Of course," Daphs says as she moves to let a couple of the boys pass by in the bedroom. "Do you want to head to the roof terrace?"

"Yeah, let's go."

Daphs says a quick goodbye to Lucas, noticing Noah's eyes on her as she turns to leave with Hope.

The dressing room is surprisingly tidy considering the mess the girls had made before they left earlier that evening. Daphs supposes that some of the boys must have tidied up for them.

She and Hope step out onto the terrace. Daphs realises she'd probably be a little cold if not for Noah's jacket on her. She should probably take that off at some point.

"All right, hun, I feel like this conversation needed to happen for a little while," Hope says, easing in with one steady breath. "I want to know about Noah. I want to hear what he's said to you, and what your perspective is on the situation, and I want you to be one hundred percent honest with me. If I'm going to have a future with Noah, I need to know I'm not setting myself up to be hurt again."

Daphs nods understanding.

"And, when I say I want to know everything he's said, I don't just mean what he's said about wanting to couple up and be with you, I want to know if he's spoken to you about me back when you two were 'just friends'. Since you've apparently 'always been there for him', you know, 'more than anyone else in the Villa'. I'm not having a go, I just need to know if I'm being made a mug of."

Daphs nods some more, licking her lips in anticipation.

"So, he has mentioned things about the relationship with you, but I don't think he was ever actually completely honest with me until recently, and I think in part that's because he hasn't been totally honest with himself," she says, trying to very political about what she says. "I don't know if this is all coming about because you two have recently had a few bumps in the road, and he's looking at me thinking that things might be easier, but I mean, we both know that the bumps in the road are a part of a relationship, so I don't know ... he has been clear with me that he has feelings for you still, and he likes you a lot, but just ... sometimes things feel a little ... forced. I don't know exactly what he means by that, but, you know, it's your relationship so I think you'll know..."

"I think you've been a little third wheel to Noah for a while now, babe," Hope says, her tone steady.

Daphs falters. "I haven't done anything with Noah, babe, I swear. I've made it clear how I feel for Lucas and that I'm not interested in Noah romantically. I'm sorry this has happened, but it wasn't ever what I wanted..."

"You flirt with him constantly. You touch him all the time, and I'm not talking about a light brush up the arm or a quick hug; you're always holding his hand, whispering away to him; any excuse to get close and push yourself against him because you obviously need the attention from your supposed 'big brother', Daphs. I don't know if you really, really mean it when you say it's not intentional and it's just friendly on your part, but considering what's come about from this, I think it's fair to say that Noah's been taking it a different way. If you really aren't as interested as you say, then you shouldn't have a problem backing off, and toning down how playful and flirty you are with him. For his sake, if nothing else. Since you care about him so much, babe."

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